7 Quick Tips To Strengthen Your Profits

1. Add resources to your site that your visitors can use on a regular basis such as a spell checker, meta tag builder, document formatter or search engine submitter.

This will increase the number of repeat visits you get to your site, giving you more opportunities to sell your products to your visitors.

2. Create a members only site that your visitors can join at no cost. Your visitors will come back to your site again and again to use the resources that you provide to them.

You can also increase your profits by providing your members only site as a bonus for subscribing to your ezine or buying your product.

3. Provide your visitors with ebooks that they can download and pass on to others.

You could create an ebook that is a compilation of your articles or you could publish an email course or tutorial you've published on your site in ebook form.

4. Allow people to use ebooks you've created as bonuses for buying their products or for subscribing to their ezines.

Include your marketing links and material within your ebook as well as the links to affiliate programs you've joined that offer products related to what you talk about in your ebook.

5. Add discussion boards or chat rooms to your site. This will increase the amount of repeat traffic you get as your visitors return to your site to interact with each other.

6. Enhance your visitor's trust in you by using your discussion boards to answer questions and to give your tips and advice.

In addition, you can use your chatrooms to strengthen your credibility by conducting online classes, workshops, or seminars.

7. Write articles for publication in ezines and on websites. Your articles could be how to articles, a list of tips, or an article that deals with a current hot topic.

You can also conduct interviews with well known people in your industry and turn these into profitable articles that increase your traffic and sales.

About the Author

Article © by writer Ken Hill, publisher of the Net Promotion Marketer, an ezine dedicated to providing you with tips and techniques you can use to increase your sales and profits. Get your f-ree subscription today by emailing mailto:subscribe@netpromarketer.com