7 Simple Steps To Automate After Sales Follow Up

What sets direct marketing apart from mass marketing and image based advertising is the one-on-one customer relationship that is the foundation of this marketing approach a.k.a. relationship marketing.

So it doesn't start or stop with a sale which is more in line with the catch and kill methodology. A sale at any cost. Where turnover is king and little regard is given to the purchaser beyond their purchase.

In fact, because of it's very nature relationship marketing is all about the long term value of the customer. Where making sales is an integral part of the process and not the only goal. And there's no better way to maximize the value of each and every sale than by strategic follow up with after sales service.

The good news is this whole process can be automated. With a series of auto responders you can efficiently and effectively communicate information that will not only reduce refunds but will increase the potential for future sales.

Follow these 7 simple steps to automate after sales follow up using auto responders.

Day 1 - immediately: Confirmation of the order and thank you. Let your customer know you appreciate their business. Restate the benefits and remember to praise their good decision to purchase. Also state the action you want them to take with specific instructions on how to access their purchase as well as how to contact you if they have any problems.

Day 2: Check if they have successfully accessed everything. Encourage them to download their purchase and begin using it. Re-enforce the benefits to be gained and why they should do that now.

Day 3: Connect with your customer and invite interaction. Ask if they have any questions. Let them know they have purchased from another human being and not a machine.

Day 4: Offer helpful suggestions to get the most out of the purchase. Point out specific usage you want to encourage.

Day 5: Restate how to get help, and offer answers to the most frequently asked questions which besides being useful will overcome any unvoiced objections.

Day 6: Ask for testimonials. This will consolidate their belief in why they purchased and also give you valuable customer endorsements to use in your ongoing marketing.

Day 7: Send an unexpected bonus gift. A surprise gift will be appreciated and valued and enhance your relationship while simultaneously reducing the chances of a return of the current purchase.

Of course you can really power up your marketing if you, or one of your team, mix a little high touch with this high tech system and simply pick up the phone and welcome your new customers personally.