7 Super Ways To Use Your Ezine's Thank You Page

1. Swap a recommendation for your ezine.

You'll be able to easily increase your subscriptions by promoting your ezine to people that are interested in what
you have to offer.

2. Promote your special sale.

You could promote your sale on advertising in your ezine, your sale on your product, or your special introductory offer for one of your new products.

3. Promote one of your affiliate programs.

Increase your commissions with a personal recommendation of one of your best producing affiliate programs.

4. Do you publish more than one ezine?

Increase your subscriptions by promoting your other ezine on this page.

5. Include your photo and signature file.

You'll be able to promote your business through your sig file, and add your personal touch to your thank you page.

6. Tell them what they need to do next.

Let your visitor know that she needs to respond to your confirmation email, and that if she doesn't receive it to check her "spam" folder.

7. Ask for their ideas.

You'll be able to let your subscribers know that you value their opinions, and find out what topics they'd love to
learn more about.

About the Author

Ken runs the Net Pro Marketer Article Directory. Topics include business, marketing and ezine publishing. Browse
through the articles or submit your own at http://www.netpromarketer.com