7 ways to Improve your Marketing Creatively
By Ja-Nae Duane
There are a many ways to be innovative with your marketing, no matter what field you’re in. In this article, I’m going to show you 7 ways on how to release your inhibitions and begin thinking more creatively. I’m also going to give you some exercises to enhance your creativity.
1) Common Problem and its solution
A common problem that people have is the inability to think outside of the box. One of my favorite websites that deals with this is www.creativethink.com. This site will give you a fresh perspective on old ideas, or even help generate new ones.
Take your marketing strategy and try to examine it objectively. Start by seeing what is working. Is anything working? If so, why does it work? If there are parts that aren’t, then why is that? Answering these questions honestly will help you begin the creative process.
2) Imagine
One of my favorite exercises (which I learned in an acting class) is to imagine that you are an object. In this case, imagine you are your product (which in my case isn’t that hard, because I am my business). Visualization is a helpful tool in recognizing what needs improvement. What are your attributes? What do you need to look better? To work more efficiently? Is there something that just doesn’t feel right? Make a list of these questions and similar ones, and then answer them. By answering these questions, you will begin to identify with your product, which in turn will help you make it more marketable.
3) Idea Time
Writing down ideas is the best way to get started. I recommend that you try not to focus on the end result. In this way you’ll be more open to whatever stems from your brainstorming.
This is called “free association.” Take a word that has to do with your business; it can be the name of your business, the market you are entering, anything, and put it at the top of a piece of paper. Then without thinking, start writing the words that pop into your mind. No matter how ridiculous they seem to you, write them down. It can be anything. There are no wrong answers to this exercise. This exercise can only be successful if you really write down everything you think of.
Once you’re done, take a look at what you’ve written. Can any of these abstract notions become part of your marketing strategy? Could they become a whole new angle?
4) Simplify
People have a tendency to make things more complicated than they need to be. Look at your current marketing plan: Can it be simplified? I’m a firm believer in the saying “Keep it simple.” Narrowing the focus of your marketing strategy will often yield positive results.
5) Change
Change is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Use change to your advantage and help make your marketing plan stronger. How is your demographic changing? Can you move with that change in order to continue to accommodate them? How is society changing? Are there changes that could expand your audience with just a slight tweak of your marketing angle?
6) Resources
There are many places to research marketing. You just have to start thinking outside the box. One of my favorite things to do is flip through the phone book. There is so much to be said for the Yellow Pages. Just open up the book and start exploring the angles. Can you collaborate with any of these businesses? If so, then how? What are their marketing strategies? Who are they marketing to? Examining other successful businesses, and even fostering relationships with them will help you on your way.
7) Collaborations
This brings me to my next point: Collaboration is your best friend in business. If you are a new business owner or a performer starting out, then you need to try and reach a larger audience. Why not kill two birds with one stone and collaborate with someone who already has a large following? By doing so, you can cut your work in half.
Who will benefit most from your product? This is a good question to keep in mind when looking for collaborations. It’s particularly true if you’re trying to approach a business. Remember that they will have their own interests at heart, so they’ll want to know how you can help them. A friend of mine used to send postcards to bars that said, “I want to help you sell liquor.” Of course his band got the gig! So instead of thinking of ways for you to benefit from others, start thinking of ways they can benefit from you: you’re sure to have success.
Where to begin?
No matter what, you have to begin somewhere; otherwise you won’t begin at all. Though it does matter where you start, what is most important is THAT you start. Start small if you’re nervous about getting your feet wet, but once you start, remember; you can never stop. This is your business; this is you. And your life and financial future could be counting on it.
Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder of the National Artistic Effort, social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Nae Duane, is taking the world by storm.....one gig at a time.
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For more information on the National Artistic
Effort, please go to: http://www.geocities.com/elektra1313/
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(c) 2003 by Ja-Nae Duane - All Rights Reserved
About the Author
Up and Coming Renaissance woman, founder of the National Artistic Effort,social activist, and expert self-promoter, Ja-Nae Duane, is taking the worldby storm.....one gig at a time. Check out: http://www.Ja-Nae.com