A Free, Powerful Method to Market Your Business Online

How to Write Articles for Promotion & Profit

Want another great idea on how to market your business for FREE? Write articles. This powerful method actually works online and off. You can write articles in your area of expertise and submit them to local newspapers as well as trade magazines or newsletters that are read by your target market. Online, you can submit your articles to a variety of directories.

Suppose you are a coach and want to work with people in the financial field. Accountants, bankers, financial advisors all belong to associations that produce member newsletters. Additionally these professions have trade magazines. An article that demonstrates how a coach can help build an accountant’s practice or bring balance to the life of an overworked banker would be perfect for these markets.

What Are the Main Benefits?

1.Build credibility—which builds trust and people buy from those they trust.
2.Increase traffic—thousands will be reading your articles and visiting your site.
3.Create links—trading with others for their articles.
4.Establish expertise—you’ll become known in your field.

How Do You Write a Winning Article?

1.Choose a title that grabs attention—since you have about five seconds to hold your audience, make sure your title clearly spells out the benefits to the reader with impact!
2.Focus your topic on your narrowly niched market, as in the example of people who work in the financial industry. This way you can write specifically to address their problems and offer your products and services as the best solution.
3.Keep the tone friendly, yet stay on track. Present the problem, offer the solution, present the benefits of using someone like you. Offer practical tips the reader can implement immediately. Show them how to take the next step by using a real life example. Finish up with a call to action.
4.Have a resource box after your article with your name, contact information and an irresistible offer, such as a free report or consultation. Because you’re using an article for promotion, the ultimate goal is to have the reader click on your Web site link and eventually buy something from you.

Where Do You Submit Your Articles?

1.With articles on your Web site, always have an offer for anyone to use the article on their site with your resource box. If you send out an e-zine, have the same offer with the articles in your e-zine. If you receive e-zines, e-mail the owners of those you think have a good target audience for your products and services and ask if they would like to trade articles.
2.Directories are growing daily on the Internet. You can submit your article to any of countless article, e-zine or subject directories. Google and Yahoo are the best places to start to find these directories as well as these: ww.ideamarketers.com, www.ezinearticles.com, www.goarticles.com.

If you think you can’t write a decent article but would like to use this great idea for promotion, contact a ghostwriter, copywriter or freelance writer to help. WritersWay writes articles for you that showcase your expertise and read as if you wrote them yourself!

© 2004 Andrea Susan Glass and WritersWay.com. Any reproduction of this article in any manner is prohibited without the consent of WritersWay.com or the author. We give permission to use this article on your Web site or e-zine if you reproduce it exactly as it appears here including this notice. Visit www.WritersWay.com for all your writing, editing and marketing needs and to order your FREE report, “Top Ten Tips on How to Write and Sell Your eBook for Maximum Profit with Minimum Effort.”

About the Author

Andrea Susan Glass, founder of WritersWay, helps clients reach their writing and marketing goals with effective articles, press releases, newsletters, Web site copy, eBooks and books. An award-winning author, she has written books, eBooks and articles on subjects ranging from animals and auto repair to singles and spirituality.