A fun game to play to increase your site traffic for free

So you have a website which you want to promote, but little or no money to spend on advertising? I want to tell you about a fun game which can help you to increase your site traffic for free.

First of all, if you don't already have a weblog you need one. This is one of the keys to promoting your site for little or no cost, and they are free.
Read this article to find out why you need a blog if you don't already have one.

Okay, now once you have a blog, check out this site: http://blogshares.com/'referer17723
It is a fantasy stock market for weblogs. At this writing, over 9500 weblogs have been claimed by their authors. Since these author's fantasy stocks increase in value based on the number of sites which link to them, you will find many people here who are eager to exchange links with you. If you take a five minute anonymous and humorous survey, you can earn a few hundred "chips" which will allow you to among other things "purchase" advertising on the site for your site. There are other ways to earn chips as well. The chips are worth 10 hits/ad impressions apiece.
In summary, this site offers a way to get links and traffic to your blog/site, advertise your site, and track your blog/site all while playing a fantasy stock market game. You can also, of course, find a lot of cool blogs using this site.
Pretty cool, huh?

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