Advantages of property listings placement offers the variety of advertising and promotion opportunities for real estate professionals and companies worldwide.

When selling or renting your property you can promote it by placing it to the Property Listings Directory. Listings of most active companies and agents will be rotated in Featured Listing sections, which is a good promotion opportunity. The rotation list is formed by agents and companies having highest Real Estate Gates ratings as well as those having the biggest number of property listings in the Property Listings Directory ( ).

You have a chance to upload up to six photos of the property only for 35, 95$. The listing information will be automatically affixed by additional information (local information, relevant mortgage and insurance data) targeted by zip code of the property. Our portal will keep your listing until the related property gets sold or rented.

If you interested, you can optionally register with our Professional Directory. This was listings you place will be attached to your Professional Profile. Users searching the Professional Directory will find out what properties you offer, apart from your contact and professional information, as well as the link to your website. Moreover, when Property Listings get searched, those of yours will contain a 'Presented By' section with your contact information and website. Therefore, portal's users will be able to find you and your listings both through the Property Listings Directory and through the Professional Directory ( ).

However, your may easily add your listings without registering with the Professional Directory, as the registration is optional and stipulates for more convenient and urgent contacts.

If you want to place many listings at once, you can contact the Customer Support Service at We can create a special free tool for you that will place your 100 listings or more really fast. You will not have to spend long hours adding your listings one by one.

Author: L.A. Phoenix ( )

About the Author offers the variety of advertising and promotion opportunities for real estate professionals and companies worldwide...