by: Iheme Godwin
The word "ADVERTISING" means different thing to different people. There are countless definitions for the word "ADVERTISING". I will like to apologise to all numerous authors if they did not see their definition in this article.(Please kindly accept my sincere apology from the bottom of my heart). For simplicity and better understanding, I would like to state here that the word Advetising simply means "TO MAKE KNOW SOMETHINGS(PRODUCTS, SERVICES, CONCEPTS, e.t.c.) PUBLICLY AND THE ABILITY TO PERSUADE PEOPLE TO BUY". I beleive and know that you are with me.
Advertising, is one of the most powerful, and socializing force in the business world. It sells more than products. It sells images(individual and corporate), values, goals, concepts, of who we are and who we should be. Advert shape our attitude and our attitude shape our behavior.
Advertising, like most operational fields, work through a process, a series of stages each of which contributes to the success of an advertisement. A number of advertising process have been developed over the years, but the most commonly accepted process, is "AIDA".
It is an essential process that should be embodied in the components of every advertisement copy. For all advertisement message to be complete, it must accomplish the following:
To crown it up, I will like to leave you with this beautiful quote: "the best advertising, is done by satisfied customer"... PHILIP KOTLER. I have personally come to the conclusion that the awareness and the application of these Advert recipe, is the first step to effective and efficient advertisement in this dynamic business environment that has already been globalized.
I am done.