Advertised jobs in advertising do not imply that you have to be adept at visual graphics and imaging. You can come from any background and you can take up any subject for your graduation degree but that will not hamper your chance at getting a job in this industry. Advertised jobs are the key to a luxurious living for all these jobs are extremely well paying. Fear not, if you are bad at drawing or have taken up business and accounting in your graduation- this is one industry that welcomes all with open arms.
Work in advertising might be strenuous if you pick the wrong job. But if you take the correct decision and choose a job that complements your natural talent you will find your job not only easy but extremely satisfying as well. Identified as an industry with an amazing growth rate, it will be a tough competitive world for all those who get selected. However, the expanding growth rate of the industry ensures that incumbents to all the job posts will continue to get paid a princely sum of money for their hard work.
So before you decide what job to apply for in this industry, let us help you out by giving you a skeletal structure of how the industry functions. You definitely need to be well versed with the advertisement employment opportunities that this industry will provide you with, so that you can choose the job best suited to your taste and capability. Any company that is a part of this industry will offer you any of the four job posts independently or in combination with the others:
1.Sales- If you think you are competent enough to be a good salesman, then this should be the right job for you. You have to sell ad spaces to client companies through striking profitable deals. All you need to be blessed with, for this job is a bright personality and good conversational skills.
2.Market Research- Every company needs to have a market research wing that can effectively analyze collected data to feel the pulse of the people, that is to say, whether they will accept a product or reject it outright. And based on their analysis they come up with suggestions oriented towards designing ad campaigns through which they can successfully reach out to the audience. So if you are good with numbers, this will be the best job for you
3.Creative Wing- If you come from an academic background that has taught you extensively about handling visual graphic imageries or if you naturally have a flair for writing good content, then you can easily be a part of the creative department of an advertisement company.
4.Media Planner-You should do well in this department provided you have a business oriented mind and you have taken up business accounting, marketing or such like options in your graduation. This job will require you to assemble all resource material for your company