Advertising Dilemma Try Junk and Chunk

Time management is a very difficult task.
Trying to figure out how much time to put
into each part of your marketing is very
hard and even more so for those of you
just starting out.

In my last article "Educate Your Way to
Success", we discussed how difficult it
is to succeed without educating yourself.

( You can find that article at: )

Today, we are going to take a look at
how important advertising is for your
business and how much time you should
be spending to give you the greatest
chance at success.

The need to advertise will never cease
but once you have been in business for
a while, the amount of time you spend
will probably decrease. I could go into
a lot of reasons but the bottom line is
the longer you are in business, the more
traffic you will get without as much

So what are some good ways to spend your
time advertising?

Most people just starting out are on a
very limited budget, so we will look at
some of the less costly ways to advertise.

First you can look at some of the ezines
that allow free advertisements. Many
allow you to advertise once a month or
even once a week.

There are a number of ezine directories
that can help you find some of these
ezines. Here is my favorite, simply
because they make it very easy to find
the information your are looking for.

There are many more and you can find
a more complete list at

Another way to generate some traffic to
your site is by start page and surfing
sites. These can provide anywhere from
a small amount of traffic to a whole lot
of traffic.

Most of these program will give you some
hits for signing up. You can also earn
more traffic by surfing other websites.
The best way to earn traffic here, is to
build a downline of people. You get a
percentage of the hits they generate and
you have to do absolutely nothing.

The key is building a downline. Spend
some time getting signups and down the
road you will start benefiting from the
efforts of others.

You also must know that to make this
traffic pay off for you, the visitors
you get from these exchanges must be
treated different. This traffic is
less targeted and many of the visitors
are just there to earn traffic for their
own site.

So, you must take a total different
approach to making this traffic useful.

You can find a detailed article about
this at:

There are also a number of other ways
to generate traffic. Some of those are,
exit exchanges, FFA pages and Links pages.

Some people swear by some of these methods
while others say they are useless. I would
suggest, you try them for yourself and find

One of the keys to a lot of the programs,
is to get in early. If you join early, it
is much easier to build a downline and get
others to start generating traffic for you.

A couple of days ago, I ran across a new
program with a completely different twist.

The name of it is Free Traffic Boost.

I like the concept and it is new, so you
might want to check it out:

So how much time do you spend advertising?

I don't think there is ever enough time
to advertise as much as we want.

So my best advice, try as many methods as
you possibly can. Find what is proving to
give you the best results, then concentrate
more time in those areas.

A friend of mine calls it the Junk and
Chunk method.

His description: Try the junk, if it don't
work chunk it.

You have to wonder about a mind that thinks
like that. :o)

About the Author

Money For Hire gives you the latest marketing trends, newest traffic programs and free marketing courses.
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