Are You a Dreamer

Somewhere along the line a negative connotation has been
attached to the word “dreamer”. It’s used to describe
someone ho is unrealistic, who lives in a fantasy world
instead of the real world, one who sits and reflects on
what he wishes things were instead of making the most of
what his life really is.

What is a Dream?

A dream is what reality would be if your life was
designed according to your own plan. Is there anything
really wrong with dreaming? I think not!

Dreams keep your spirit alive, give you something to
strive for, keep you moving forward. Without a dream
your life becomes stagnant, without purpose and
unfulfilling. Is there a place for dreaming in Internet

Your Business is Built on Dreams!

What are your reasons for starting an online business?
There are as many different reasons as there are
marketers, but one thing we all have is a vision of
improving our lives and enjoying some of the things
we’ve always DREAMED about.

Maybe you want the independence of working from home.
Maybe you want extra income to pay your bills or to
provide for extras. Maybe you have an idea that excites
you and has to be expressed. Or maybe you want to become
another “Dot Com Millionaire”!

Whatever your reason may be, the bottom line is that you
dream of doing something and you’ve chosen Internet
marketing as the vehicle to help you achieve that dream.
So what comes next?

Goals are Dreams Put into Action...

The only way dreams are bad is if you do nothing to turn
them into reality. It does no good to sit and dream of
being rich and famous if you don’t have an action plan
for BECOMING rich and famous.

To succeed at anything, whether it’s life in general or
Internet marketing in particular, you have to plan your
success and take the steps necessary to achieve it. You
can’t sit idly by and wait for success to find you. If
you do, you’re engaging in nothing but a “pipe dream”
and nothing is exactly what will come of it.

Don’t be Afraid to Dream, But...

If you want to realize your dreams you have to be
willing to work for them. If you aren’t prepared to work,
you don’t want the dream badly enough. If that’s the case,
the vision of achieving it won’t be strong enough to
motivate you and keep you on track.

However, if your dream is really important to you the
desire to achieve it will provide all the fuel you need.
It will keep you moving toward your goal even when
challenges threaten to derail you.

Make Sure You Want it Badly Enough!

Do you dream of owing a mansion on the ocean or driving a
black Ferrari? How badly do you want it? Are there other
things you want more? Prioritize your dreams. The dreams
that mean the most to you, those you crave deep inside,
are the ones that provide the strongest motivation to

Internet marketing isn’t as easy as some would have you
believe. But... you can accomplish anything you set
your mind to! Make it easier on yourself by believing your
dream, whatever it may be, will come true.

Dream Big...

But be prepared to work hard!

About the Author

Linda Offenheiser is the owner of Stress-Free Copy where sales
copy comes alive! Always the right words with no stress, no
hassle, no time wasted. She also publishes a weekly marketing
ezine, All the Write Stuff!, that’s informative, friendly and fun!
You can visit her at or subscribe