Are You a Passive Advertiser

What kind of a marketer are you?

There are many ways to advertise. Some we are very familiar with, such as
hype. There is a LOT of hype on the Internet. And I'm not going to tell you
that hype doesn't sell, because it does. You see it on TV every day. Someone
yelling outrageous claims. And some people respond to that type of
advertising. It moves fast and furious and tries to get to you through your
emotions, hoping you will act BEFORE you have the chance to think it over.
There are many infomercials that work this way. All of a sudden before you
know it, you are caught up in the excitement of it all. And it works!

But just because it works, is it really the way to go about it? Many
businesses think so. They are looking at numbers. The more sales they bring
in, the better the ad was, in their opinion. But if you did a study, how many
of those who bought came back to the same place to buy again? How many were
really satisfied with their purchase? Just because there were no returns, or
few returns, is no indication that a customer was satisfied with his/her
purchase. Many people just don't bother to ask for their money back, for one
reason or another. The real "proof in the pudding" is how many of the
customers refer their friends to that business? How many of them come back to
make another purchase?

The businesses who will ultimately survive are the ones who have repeat
customers. Most companies who do infomercials aren't concerned with repeat
buyers. Many of them offer one product that doesn't lend itself to repeat
buying. So for them, hype works.

I have always been of the opinion that if it takes hype to sell it, it isn't
worth much. If you have a good product, you don't need to hype to sell it.
And after a few customers buy, they will help to do a lot of selling for you
by referring your services to others and by coming back to you to buy again.
When you resort to hype to sell your product, you exaggerate what your
product does, and in doing so, you will find customers who are not satisfied
once they buy your product. Why? Because you made it sound better than it is
and they expected more from it than they got. You may even find that you have
a lot of returns to deal with.

Returns will also be a factor if you "push" your customers into buying.
Infomercials also work this way. "Buy within the next 10 minutes and you'll
not only get this, but this and this, too!" Buy today and you'll get this
special price only available today." When I have a sale on my site, I put the
end date on it, so you know for sure it's a true sale and not a "push" to get
you to buy today. Some sites say, "Buy today. Sales ends today." And they
give a date, but if you bookmark it and go back tomorrow, you will see that
the sale ends tomorrow. That's what a good software program will do for you.
Just remember, if it's good, it will still be there tomorrow. Spend some time
checking it out. Talk to others who have used it.

When you are honest with your customers, they will appreciate it and learn
that you are a person of your word. My Dad once said to me, "Your word is the
most important thing you have. Never promise anything you can't deliver."
Advertising is the same thing. Never promise anything you can't deliver. Let
your product sell for you. You can get them to your site without hyping them:
try different ads until you get one that is getting results; buy guaranteed
visitors; advertise in different places. Then let your site sell for you.
Don't hype your potential customers - be a passive advertiser.

About the Author

Pamela Geiss owns the successful LotsaPerks Advertising Agency. She
specializes in guaranteed traffic to websites. Visit her today at