Are You in the Marketing Big House

Marketers Online are truly a curious bunch. Some are
successful beyond belief - earning thousands seemingly at
will. These guys live the dream of every aspiring Online
Marketer. They are very talented promoters that use classic
marketing techniques that are complex yet simple.

What do I mean Complex Yet Simple?

Marketing techniques are only complex to the marketers who
aren't familiar with them. The old saying remains true.....
Practice Makes Perfect. To experienced marketers who use
classic marketing techniques (Guerilla Marketing) often;
marketing is a piece of cake. These guys are commonly
called Marketing Gurus / Experts.

Who says you can't be a Guru?

Are these so called experts that much different than you
or I? Don't they bleed red blood, pay taxes and put on
their slacks one leg at a time like everyone else? Please
don't allow personality and status get in the way of your
Success. Anyone that can use classic marketing techniques
can be successful. So-called Marketing Gurus don't own
the rights to Success Online.

So who's in the Marketing Big House? Definitely not the
successful Gurus. They live life to the limit. After all these
marketers are more than likely rich - at least the ones who
aren't lying to their loyal customers. The ones in the Big
House are the marketers that don't understand very basic
and doable marketing techniques - such as two step ads,
effective sales letter writing and direct mail / email. They are
trapped in what I call No-salesville. Don't laugh. I've been
there and its no fun at all.

Everything the Marketing Gurus touch as far as marketing
and sales turn to gold. They are living on a level most of us will
never see. They network with other marketers - form alliances
that make them even richer. The others are the ones I refer to
as being in Marketing Big House. They can't sell their way
out of a wet paper bag. They wouldn't know good copy if it
slapped them in the face. They spam the Net with worthless
offers - they are in essence clueless to the art of Online
Marketing and Marketing in General.

I don't mean to be harsh - we all had to start somewhere and I
for one am not white as snow - although I'm trying. Some as we
know don't care. They are in it just for the buck but usually end
up with about 1 cent for every dollar they could have made if
they had did it right. Pure Email Marketing done the right way
will make 1000% more than spam. This is a fact. Don't believe
it? Try doing it right. Never email anyone without their confirmed
permission. Establish a real relationship with the people you
contact. You'll make more sales and less enemies guaranteed.
I'm willing to bet if you follow that simple advice; Today will be
your last day of spamming me or anyone else. Thank God!

About the Author

Reggie Brown is a successful Internet Marketer / Writer.
To discover secret cash generating tricks and techniques
he learned from Marketing Legend - Marlon Sanders