Are You Wasting Your Time Putting Out Fires

I don't know about you, but I'm tired of wasting time
putting out fires, when I should be more productive.

By putting out fires I mean correcting mistakes that
shouldn't have occurred in the first place.

I recently began a campaign to get more traffic for a
specific page promoting my mailing lists.

Fire # 1. There were a few complaints that the page was to

How much this cost, I don't know, but I brought out the hose
and put up a new page with graphics and a counter.

Fire # 2. I was trying to sell a product directly from a web

More time wasted and possible sales lost. The fact is I
wasn't using the two-step method and I wasn't giving
visitors enough information.

Out comes the hose again. This time I added a report
explaining the importance of mailing lists.

With the report I was now using the two-step method. The
report generated more leads and educated visitors to the
benefits of mailing lists.

Smooth sailing now, right? Wrong!!!

Fire # 3 I received an email for someone who was looking
for mailing lists, but didn't know me from a can of paint.

He let me know that he wouldn't buy anything from someone
he didn't know, who didn't have any credentials.

My backs sore and I've got to pull that darned hose out

So what's my solution? I'm going to thank him for waking me
up!! He did me two favors.

A. He made me realize I was losing sales because I didn't
have a list of testimonials from satisfied customers posted.

B. He sparked this article which may help you from making
some of my mistakes.

So now I've got a sore back from dragging out that hose.
I've wasted time and I'm sure lost sales.

But looking on the bright side, I've learned a lesson and
hope-fully helped saved you from a sore back.

Wishing You Success

About the Author

John Colanzi publishes the "Street Smart Marketing" Newsletter
to subscribe
"Discover How to Increase Sales by 1700% of More
With A Killer Headlines and a Killer Ad Campaign"