Articles - Infinite Business Promotion!

Copyright © Bill Vannot - All Rights Reserved

Do you realize that articles can do a lot for your business?

1. They can drive qualified leads to your website people
who are interested in your topic.

2. You can consistently position yourself as an expert by
having your name and your business name in the public eye!
This develops your business identity.

3. Articles work to build link popularity.

4. Articles are actually, repeat advertising in motion!

5. Articles are free advertising for your business.

6. You'll be able to distribute your articles without
spending a dime.

When you submit articles to ezines, websites, and even
magazines, you really do benefit because you're driving
qualified leads to your website. The people who read your
articles are already interested in the subject matter you'll
be writing about.

They have already subscribed to ezines just to get more
information about certain topics. The publishers who agree
to run your articles have already decided that you're a
perfect match for their ezine's target market. This could
mean that hundreds and thousands of readers, could read your
articles and see the link to your website.

Make Yourself an Expert!

When people frequently read interesting articles, they
actually come to view the author as an expert. This alone
helps build your reputation. It works like a tonic to drive
potential customers to your website because people like
dealing with experts, so they can learn more.

Each article should include a short "resource box". Similar
to a sig file, it should have a link back to your sales
page where the reader can go to get more information. When
articles are used on websites they can also build your link
popularity. This is extremely important with search engines.

A lot of people will be exposed to your URL without you ever
having to lift a finger or advertise it. Just make time to
post the articles and let them circle the globe!

Other People Will Advertise Your Articles!

When your website url is listed on a website or in an
article archive, your business exposure can be unlimited.
As more people visit various websites, they're exposed to
your articles, time and time again.

Articles are Free Advertisements!

Ezine publishers are always on the prowl for unique content.
Many of them will accept articles at no cost and run them in
their ezines. When you include a resource box at the bottom
of your article, you're getting free advertising out to
readers that you'd never reach, because other people will
viral your articles for years.

If you hesitate to write your own articles, you can get all
that free promotion by having a ghost writer write these
articles for you. The cost of one ghost written article is
still probably less than the cost of a good ad campaign.
Advertising must be repeated; articles viral into infinity!

Your articles can be about any topic you select. Good
articles should always create emotional responses within
the reader and prompt them to visit your website. Always
add a resource box so the reader can impulsively go straight
to your website.

Submit your articles to ezine publishers, article
directories and websites. Be sure that the articles fit
your target audience. Done properly, articles can get you
around the globe and establish you as a global expert. Why
not get started today?

This article may be reprinted freely as long as the
reference box remains intact.

About the Author

Bill Vannot specializes in branding Businesses with
articles, even if you can't write! Find out what a Ghost
Writer can do to help you brand your e-business identity!