Break Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Copyright © 2005 Ted Kushner

Are you having a hard time breaking out of your comfort zone?

Everyone has a comfort zone- they are the routines in your life that youve become accustomed to. Routines and habits you are comfortable with and have a hard time changing.

Personal comfort zones may include certain routines you have like:

Getting up every morning- you may go to the bathroom first, then make a cup of coffee next, and then finally you may get yourself dressed, etc...

Business and financial comfort zones may include:

Your trusty day job- the one youve been going to work for at the same place at the same time doing the same thing for the past 10 or 20 years.

Or maybe its using the same marketing method(s) over and over again without testing new ones.

Personal preference comfort zones may include:

Your die-hard vehicle, the trusty friend that has given you reliable transportation for many of years.

Whatever it is, or whatever you call it- it has become your comfort zone. I call it the shackle though, as it keeps many of us from making constructive changes that could benefit us.

No one likes changes because of the uncertainty of them, but certain changes can actually make dramatic improvements in your life if you take control of them.

Simple things like:

Maybe youve decided that you would feel better exercising in the morning before having breakfast, or that you decided on eating certain foods that were good for you versus processed foods- changes that improved your health.

Or, youve changed the way you drive to work and it cuts down on the amount of time it takes to get to and from your job leaving more time to be with your family-changes that improved your relationships.

Maybe youve decided to take that plunge and start your own online business- changes that improve your wealth.

So what is your comfort zone?

For me it was the decision to stop being afraid of success or failure on the Internet. My personal comfort zone was dreaming about success but not doing anything about it.

It was easier for me to dream about success then to do something about it. There was no work involved in dreaming- but there is work involved if you want to succeed at something.

Recently though I finally decided it was time to break out of my comfort zone and do something about it. It was time for some changeā€¦ and yes, I was afraid.

So for the first time, I wrote a simple press release to promote an affiliate product I was selling. I wanted to see if writing press releases was an effective way of marketing.

To my surpriseā€¦ it was a success. The program that I was promoting received a top ten position in Google on a very competitive keyword I was targeting in which I made quite a few sales on.

But it meant more then just the success of this one press release, what it really did for me was boost my confidence to the point that I knew now that I could write about subjects of interest to me while providing valuable information to my audience.

I had finally broken out of my comfort zone. Since then I have started writing additional press releases and articles relating to the products that I am promoting and about other items of interests.

Writing about these subjects, while providing my readers with valuable content has enabled me to start making a decent part-time income in my spare-time.

I consider it a very enjoyable hobby that has many benefits.

My point is though- is if I can do it so can you. You just need to break out of your comfort zone and make some changes to your lifestyle.

Whether it may be personal, financial or business- take the plunge and break out of your comfort zone!

About The Author-

Ted Kushner of writes about the latest trends in affiliate marketing and web site promotion. To see how you can use Google yourself and gain a top ten position in just a few days visit: