Can You Believe It

Can you believe everything you read? If you have been on the Internet for any
length of time, chances are you have fallen for at least one fantastic claim
that "this will bring you great weatlh and success." There are, of course,
some completely bogus sites with promises that, if you really think about it,
could not possibly turn out to be true.

At the other end of the spectrum, there are many sites that really do have a
great value and really can follow through with their promises.

But what has happened to us during this short process of the Internet getting
going? Because a lot of us have been scammed at one time or other, we have
become jaded to any statements that promise opportunity for wealth and

Don't misunderstand me - you must keep your wits about you and not jump at
everything you see. But you must also not pass off everything as a scam. A
lot of businesses out there promise you wealth, BUT they also tell you that
YOU have to contribute in some way or other to get that wealth.

For example, I sell targeted traffic. I can get the visitors to your website,
but I also tell you that your site has to sell them. If the visitors aren't
buying from you, perhaps you need to look to your site for the answer. Or, if
you don't have your own site and are advertising a "cloned" site, perhaps you
should consider getting your own site and rewriting your offer so that it
appeals to more people.

A lot of people get into an offer, get excited about it, advertise it heavily
for a week or two, get no signups, give it up as a scam and go on. What? Can
you really expect to build a business in 2 weeks? Not in this life! It takes
a tremendous amount of traffic to get sales and it takes many months to build
a business into a lucrative one. But there is one thing for sure - the more
traffic you get in a period of time, the faster your business will build.
It's the law of averages - and it's a fact.

So, the key here is to look at an offer, see if it makes sense, read
everything about it on the site - EVERYTHING. Then if you are satisfied that
the offer appears legitimate, go for it. But go for it realistically. Have a
plan. Don't just throw out ads and expect the money to come rolling in.
Advertise at every free and paid place you can think of. Seek out new places
to advertise. Do FFA's, targeted traffic, leads, ezine advertising, link
trades, everything you can think of.

If you honestly work at it and your offer is a good one, you WILL be
successful with it. But you must not expect it to happen overnight. You must
give it time and you must not back off on your advertising. Look at the big
companies in the "concrete" world. Some have been in business for years and
years. Do you see them "resting on their laurels" and not advertising? Of
course not. You stop advertising, you will fade out of the minds of your
customers. You need to remind them that you exist. You are not the only
company out there. Your customer's memory span is short. They will forget you
if you don't remind them.

About the Author

Pamela Geiss is the owner of the successful LotsaPerks Advertising Agency.
She specializes in targeted traffic and targeted leads. Visit her today at