Candid Conservation Between Internet Millionaires

I sat around in a hotel room chatting with two other
very well-known internet marketers recently. We
brainstormed and shared observations until three in the
morning :-) I thought you might enjoy the simple yet
profound insights and wisdom shared by these two
multi-millionaires. Look for ways you can directly
apply this knowledge to your business activities.

The most profound observation that we all made was
that most on-line newbies set their goals too low. This
is often because of limitations in what they can
convince themselves is possible. You see, until you
have seen something done, you often view many things
as impossible. After you see many people doing them,
your concept of what is possible shifts radically.

Consider the person barely able to make their monthly
rent payment. To them earning $50,000 a year may seem
like a big dream. However, the person making $50,000
sets his goal on $100,000 although it may appear to be
a big challenge to him. It magically seems more possible
if that individual know anyone actually earning
$100,000 a year. The person earning $100,000 a year,
can see the possibilities of earning $200,000 a year, and
the one earning this amount can imagine half a million.

As I sat in that room, chatting with someone who had
made and lost many more millions than I could imagine,
my personal perspective shifted dramatically. Just
being exposed to someone who told me/showed me how
it could be done convinced me that it was possible. It
convinced me that I could do it... and I set out making
it a reality :-)

At other times during this weekend I engaged in other
brainstorming sessions on how to build mailing lists
in excess of one million, how to get millions of
visitors to your site, and how to market high-end
products. Nobody in the group doubted that these
things could be done since we knew people who had
done them. So our focus became how do we accomplish

The amazing thing about those discussion with those
two internet marketing millionaires was how it
continues to make me notice people doing "the
impossible." For example, I now notice websites that
get millions of visitors a month. I also notice
websites that get millions of visitors a day. And
as I observe these amazing feats, I ask how can I
duplicate what they are doing. I ask, how can I teach
people I mentor to do the same thing.

What I grew to realize was that the challenge I face is
just getting you to acknowledge that it is possible. I
frequently talk to subscribers who are busily trying
to market a $20 ebook for 50% commission. I have to
emphatically remind them that this will never make
them independently wealthy. The only reason you should
be selling $20 ebooks is to get names on your list
and to qualify them for up-sells to more lucrative
products that they need.

It takes being at a seminar or conference and watching
someone purchase a $5000 product or $10,000 in consulting
services before many of those I mentor experience the shift
in thinking I try desperately to effect. You see, this
shift in thinking is necessary if you really want to become
an internet success story.

That shift in thinking does a number of things for you.
At the same time that you learn the secret to driving
millions to a website, you realize that you may not really
want a million visitors a month. As you learn to create a
mailing list of several hundred thousand, you may realize
that what you really want is a smaller but very targeted
list. As your thinking shifts (and the light comes on) you
discover that you are actually adopting the essential

What's the purpose of sharing with you a few moment of
candid conversations with some internet marketing
millionaires. It's actually to make you want to begin
associating with the same types of people. When you
associate with and brainstorm with people who think this
big, you magically become one of them. Then you sit back,
look at them, and realize they really are no different
than you. The biggest difference is frame of reference
and what they believe to be possible. Find a way for
you to have candid conversations with a few millionaires
today and watch what happens.

About the Author

Willie Crawford is a recognized authority on internet marketing
and product creation. His Internet Marketing How To Workshop
steps you though the process of creating and marketing that
perfect product. Let him teach you the insider secrets today: