There are millions of ads online. The Title of
your ad will either make you or break you as it
is the single most important element of your ad.
More often than not, the Title of your ad will
either capture the attention of your potential
customer or get your message deleted or
ignored in an instant. So you need to make it good.
Here are 7 simple, yet powerful techniques to
get your ads noticed in the crowd:
1. Use C l e a r Space in Your Title.
Simply add extra blank spaces in your Title
between your words or letters. This will get
your ad noticed.
2. Combine CAPITAL Letters with lower CASE.
Use all capital letters in every other word or use a
capital letter between every other lower case letter.
This is especially effective to EMPHASIS a point.
3. Use SECRET Action Words.
Begin your title line with action words like, "STOP!,
LOOK!, READ", or key words like, "FREE, SECRET,
REPORT". People will take notice when they see
words like these. Get a FREE list of Action Words
4. Ask A Question?
Questions always deserve an answer and we
are taught to respond.
5. ALWAYS use the Truth.
Don't use unbelievable claims just to grab attention.
You will lose the good-will of your prospects if you
lie to or mislead them.
Use of all capitals is considered rude on the Internet
as it stands for shouting or angry talk. If used
throughout an entire ad, it becomes difficult to
read and appears amateurish.
7. Test Your Title.
Use different title lines to see which one will
draw the greatest response. You will find one
that works better for you than the others. And
even after you find the best title, keep testing!
Make use of these 7 simple, yet powerful techniques
to Capture the Attention of Your prospects and your
ads will stand out in the crowd amongst all
the millions of ads that are found online today.
About the Author
A.T.Rendon is an entrepreneur and published writer.
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