Choose Your Own Economy

I don't know about you, but I for one have no intention of
suffering an Economic Downturn!

Did you ever ask yourself why, all of a sudden, the airwaves
are filled with forecasters cries of pending economic doom?
Geesh, everything seemed hunky dory just a few short months
ago. And, for years before that! Now, analyst after left-
brained financial analyst is slowly filling the minds of the
masses with the reality that they soon will be suffering the
slings and arrows of free falling fortunes.

The media can create any slant on any issue they choose and
make most of the world believe the sky is falling. So now they
choose to poke big holes through some small weak spots in an
otherwise robust economy and voila! - we're suddenly marching
down the road to recession. Corporations, companies and
consumers are reacting to it in a big way. The world is being
led by it's nose to financial slaughter and we seem so eager
to fall into line.

Pshaw! Believe me when I say that if we had 'better news' such
as another war like the one in Iraq (heaven forbid), the media
would be fixated on presenting the gore in arcade-style
glitz 24/7 and I wouldn't be writing this article. This is
mass psychology at it's worst!

You have a choice. You can either become part of the Economic
Downturn and buy into the econobabble, or you can keep moving
onward and upward in your quest for improving your lifestyle
by doing business on the Internet. I can't help but restate
that I MOST certainly will NOT let the ever-deafening,
frenzied screams of the doomsaying media rain on my parade.
Not for a millisecond! Instead, what should only be but a
hiccup in an otherwise robust economy (DotBomb suicides aside
- like when has pitching piles of venture capital at a problem
ever solved it?) serve as fuel for my entrepreneurial fire.

Here's a valid concern. What if you feel your sales will
suffer if the world falls into this media-made gulch? The
solution is simple - get creative!

Case in point. During my drycleaning days I not only survived
but ended up thriving through two recessions (in Canada, these
were really depressions) by simply putting a promotional spin
on the economic climate that benefited my company, employees
and most importantly, my customers. What did I do? I promoted
the fact that is was a lot cheaper to clean their existing
clothes than to replace them during these highly inflationary
times. I recall using the slogan "refresh, don't replace". And
it worked! What was sad though is that throughout these tough
times many of my competitors went out of business simply
because they did not get creative.

It is almost unthinkable to me that the media today has the
power to create the ruined economy it is predicting. And if it
does, then I, you, and everyone else with a cyber-business
might just have to create inventive ways to compensate for the
negative atmosphere that has only just started to infect the
general public.

My advice to you is simple. Turn off the news, forget about
the stock market and focus on just what you can control -
your life and your business. If ratings-hungry reporters
continue to fill 'slow news days' with doomsaying rants, let
it rain, let it rain, let it rain. No downward sloping graph
or forecasters cry of pending disaster should keep you from
keeping your eyes on the screen and hand on your mouse
building the Internet business you've always dreamed about!
Don't let them have that power!

Bottom line: you can either be part of the Economic Downturn
or you can Choose Your Own Economy!

About the Author

Rick is the author of 3 top-selling eBooks at: and the purveyor of those amazing traveling billboards called I.D. IT! Plates:

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