Coaching: Communicating What Service You Provide

Coaching: Communicating What Service You Provide

 by: Catherine Franz

Coaching is unique because it makes a special promise: transformation. At the root of any desire for personal development is the expectation that, every time they have an encounter with their coach, they have some how changed from the person they were into the person they more prefer to be.

Instead of focusing your communications, this includes all marketing materials as well, on subject areas or benefits, concentrate on lives the kind of person you help create. This isn't merely an issue of who they can become; it includes values, ethics, the sense of personal mission, and what people want to accomplish within their life times. In this way, you can reach beyond the practical considerations within the decision making process to speak to the individual underlying core: a person’s dreams.

Here are a few ways to make your communications more personal, and directed towards their dreams, thus, making it more appealing and attractive:

1. Speak and Write to Their Values

In any coaching communications, two of the most important words you can use are "we believe." Even the most practical personal development desiring person believes in something. Tell prospective clients what your coaching stands for so that they can evaluate whether they share your coaching values, which is the same as your personal values if you are solo.

This step helps filter that would most likely not be a match anyway.

After all, in a country crowded with coaches, your values can be your greatest distinction. Maybe your coaching encourages an entrepreneurial spirit through projects or creative approaches to familiar problems or challenges. Some people prefer the word challenge, so I included both. Put your coaching values front and center.

2. Connect Benefits to Ambitions

Describing what people are going to learn, such as living their lives by their values or building a strong personal foundation isn't enough; you want to show how coaching helps them reach their goals. Instead of writing mere descriptions, write stories with the prospective coachee as the potential hero.

Tell readers how your fieldwork prepares them for real-world experiences, how your group coaching hosts relationship opportunities, how your teleclass sharpens them, changes their critical-thinking, or decision-making skills.

3. Use Endorsements and Case Studies

Selecting a coach can be intimidating and overwhelming even for the most courageous people. An endorsement, in an ad or printed material created for sales, shows how your coaching welcomes and works with people just like them.

Case studies is a step up from endorsements by actually describing in some detail the transformation story how a person from one kind of background acted on her ambition and was able to move forward through your program or by working with you.


These techniques also work well for service or products communications if you also offer teleclasses, workshops, or group coaching programs. Actually, not that I think of it, it works in all personal development communications.

© Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved.