Conversion Optimization - Trick to Increase ROI From Website

In the world of internet, website is now a days a compulsory tool for business. The online identity to access global and local audience is an effective marketing tool. Most of the small and big business holders try to generate revenue directly from website and to do that the basic concept is to generate maximum traffic. Online marketing expert's (mostly) advice to business holders how to generate maximum traffic and suggests different online marketing approaches like Search engine Optimization (SEO), Pay per Click Advertising (PPC), Article Marketing, Social Media Optimization (SMO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Viral Marketing to generate traffic. Do the online marketing experts ever suggest the concept of Conversion Optimization?

Let me help you with the concept of conversion optimization with some practical examples. Let us take 2 examples:

Example 1: Assume your website is generating per day 1000 visitors. Also lets assume the per day average leads you are generating 5. So it's mean that the conversion ratio for your site is 0.50%. Let assume per leads you generate $20 per lead so for 5 leads you will generate $100 per day.

Example 2: Let take same example like example 1. Assume again per day traffic 1000, and per day you are generating 15 sales so the conversion rate is 1.50% so, per day the revenue generate $300.

Now among the above 2 examples which you will prefer to go as a website owner? I guess you will go for the Example 2 approach as it is generating more revenue for the same visitors. This is called Conversion Optimization testing and the approach to increase the conversion is called as Conversion Optimization in search engine marketing. For the same effort or for the same visitors we are generating more revenue or goals.

If you want to know more about how to do the conversion optimization you can contact to author as the real conversion optimization professional who can assist you to increase your revenue generation through conversion optimization.