Converting Newsletter Readers Into Website Explorers

All the experts agree, if you want visitors to explore your
website, you have to give them a reason; without one, they'll
click away from your site. If you publish an email newsletter
and own a website, here's an interesting way to promote viewing
of your website's pages among your newsletter readers.

Sprinkle (actually, "hide") trivia tidbits throughout the
pages on your website. They can be in body copy, image
captions, advertiser copy... anywhere. Then run a quiz in
your newsletter, letting your readers know the that all of
the answers are somewhere on your site. Offer a prize to the
first person to email you with all the correct answers.

You may freely repost the sample quiz without any resource
box. I would appreciate, however, some sort of a link to my
website Bison Creek Author Services
in your newsletter or on your site. If you need ad copy
lines for a newsletter link

"Author services, including sales copy writing, free article
posting, manuscript readings, reviews and testimonialsfor
writers just like ourselves: long on vision, but way short
on funds. Bison Creek Author Services"

Sample quiz begins below

1. How many ways are there to make change for $1 (US)?

2. In most advertisements, what time is displayed on


3. According to Al Capone's business card, what was his


4. A cat has how many muscles in each ear?

5. Four English words end with "-dous": horrendous,

tremendous, stupendous, and ?

6. What is the only English word that ends in the letters


7. What is the longest one-syllable word in the English


8. How many ridges are around the edge of a U.S. dime?

9. How many dimples are on a regulation golf ball?

10. What is the only U.S. state with a one-syllable name?

11. What is the only known sound that does not produce an


1. 293
2. 10:10
3. used furniture dealer
4. 32
5. hazardous
6. dreamt
7. screeched
8. 118
9. 336
10. Maine
11. a duck's quack

About the Author

Mike Morgan is a freelance writer, owner of Bison Creek
Author Services , and moderator of
Article Post-Short Pieces, for short articles and fillers,