Creative Promotions

Part 1

The key to success in NetMarketing is constant promotion.
Opportunities at rest are simply failures waiting to happen.
The pros in this business are always in constant motion.
They are pros in motion - using pro-motion.

In this promotion series you will learn what it takes to promote
your business. While there are dozens of options available, it's
best to gain a working knowledge of them all. Remember, the
more you know, the better you will be able to lead your
downline members.

So let's get started by looking at some of the basic tenets:
the laws of successful promotion.

Plan Your Promotion, Then Promote Your Plan
Whether you are submitting your link to an FFA links page
(Free For All) or spending several hundred dollars on an
Ezine Solo Ad, treat every promotion as a single campaign.
Have a purpose and desired result for your effort. Plan
your work, work your plan. Haphazard effort leads
to haphazard results. Commit fully - remember, this
is a business, not a hobby.

Carefully Target Your Audience
Wasted dollars are often the result of attracting the wrong
set of eyeballs. Just as important as what you want people
to see, is attracting the right set of viewers. Select an
audience who will be the most receptive to your offer.
Many websites offer a gazillion hits for a tiny amount of
money. If you have money to burn, then go for it. Rule
of thumb: if you can't target these hits by country of
origin AND by category of interest, you may as well throw
your wallet in the fireplace and roast marshmallows.

Keep Your Promotions Prospect-Centered
Never become the object of your promotion, instead allow
your prospect to become point of focus. Use the word "I"
sparingly, use the word "you" liberally. Ten uses of "you"
for every "I" is a good goal.

Be a Problem Solver, Not a Solutions Moderator
Effective promotions solve problems for people. But if
you present too many options for a solution, the door of
confusion will be opened needlessly. Note: A confused
mind almost always says No.

Stress Buyer Benefits, Not Seller Features
The beauty of a great promotion is that you are building
your business simply by promoting what you believe in.
When a feature is mentioned precede it with the benefit
as in the sentence above. "You get a free website" is
a feature. "Your free website is designed to do the
selling for you so that your only job is to get prospects
to your site" is a benefit.

Always Start With The Least Expensive Venue
When you embark on a campaign be sure that you build
in a method for scaling your response. Before you blow
your ad budget on an expensive Solo Ad, measure the
response you get from an abbreviated ad in a smaller
publication. This preserves capital while it serves as a
test for evaluating your response. For example, the ezines
with the most readers are not always the ones with the best
results - test first, then go for the solo ad if your
smaller ad generated acceptable interest.

Create a System For Testing Your Promotion
The sophistication of Internet technology now provides
modern methods of testing and re-testing. Use of Ad
Trackers, Click Exchange venues, and quickly edited
auto-responders greatly reduce the expense of mistakes.
Set up a system that takes advantage of technology.

Ask For The Order More Than Once
Whether your sales pitch is delivered on a website or
via e-mail, insert your action/order links multiple times.
Prospects respond to different buying signals, so be sure
to insert a link directly after each perceived trigger
within your ad copy.

Persistence Will Pay You, Quitting Will Cost You
Failure is an opportunity for future success, but giving
up is simply giving in. The expression, "Try, try, again"
is not a click without reason. If you are leaning in the
right direction, you will, at the very least, fail forward.
That will get you closer to success. Quitting will not.
The Internet loves and caters to quitters - don't be
lured in by the promise of greener pastures. If you
aren't making money in a legitimate opportunity where others
are making money, then you won't solve that problem by
moving onto something else. You solve it by trying a
different approach and by not giving up. Like the saying
goes: Wherever you go, you take yourself with you.

In your next training e-mail you will be introduced to the
greatest friend any marketer could ask for when it comes
to promoting your business. Stand by... it's AIDA with
a brand new face. You're going to love this!

About the Author

Eugenijus Sakalauskas is an established ezine publisher
and direct marketer who specializes in developing new
ideas and methods on
Website Marketing & Home Business Secrets