Pssst! Want to make money while promoting your
business? Deliver workshops or training events in your
area of expertise, and you'll accomplish both. You'll
also establish yourself as an expert in your field.
If you are afraid of public speaking, there's a work
around. Engage the services of an experienced presenter
or facilitator, and you act as the assistant. With practice,
you'll overcome your anxiety and eventually you'll be
comfortable going it alone.
Here's how you get started:
1. Decide what you want to teach, and to whom.
i.e. if you have a bookkeeping business, you might
decide to offer instruction in basic bookkeeping to new
entrepreneurs. When the entrepreneurs decide it's time
to contract out their bookkeeping, whose name will
come to mind?
2. Decide whether your workshop is to be conference
style or skill development style. In conference- style
events, the trainer stands at the front of the room and
speaks, using audio-visual or other props where
appropriate. Participants learn what they can from the
performance and from the distributed handouts. In skill
development workshops, participants have the opportunity
to practice and develop specific skills throughout the
course of the event. If selecting the latter method, you will
want to limit the number of participants since each will
need personal attention during the hands-on learning
3. Next, create a preliminary outline of your workshop
and the activities you will be incorporating. Decide:
key points, skills that your participants will acquire,
and the instructional method you will use to impart
these skills.
4. Now, decide upon the ideal length of workshop,
including breaks. Determine your workshop schedule.
Will it be delivered over the course of a weekend?
One evening a week for six weeks? Other?
5. Determine the type of venue that you will need.
Consider seating space, building regulations, parking,
restroom facilities, and plugins and power supply
adequate for operating your equipment.
6. Decide how to market your workshop. Will you
promote your event through posters, advertisements in
local media, letters to existing customers, press releases,
email, etc?
7. Create a budget. First, determine your expenses,
including facility rental, equipment rental, cost of
providing coffee & snacks, promotional budget, fee for
helpers or assistants, administrative expenses, handouts,
samples, binders, etc. Then, play with the figures until
you have identified the number of participants that you
will need and the fee that you will charge in order to
break even and to generate a profit margin. Is your fee
reasonable and is it in line with what your participants
are likely to pay? If not, tinker until it is.
8. Decide the minimum number of participants that
you must attract to break even. Be prepared to cancel
the workshop and return participant fees if fewer than
this number register. Similarly, decide upon the
maximum number of participants that you can handle
and offer a waiting list when that number is reached.
9. Next, arrange for your facility. If suitable space is
not readily available, consider meeting rooms at
universities and colleges, community rooms in shopping
malls, community halls and agencies, convention centers,
10. Promote your event.
11. Complete the planning for the workshop. Create a
detailed agenda for the workshop outlining the activities
and learning goals for every session. Arrange for equipment.
Arrange for beverages and snacks, if appropriate. Locate
your assistants.
12. Prepare for last minute disasters. For example, if you're
planning on showing a 45-minute video, what'll you do if
the VCR breaks? You'll fare better if you plan for the
unexpected, develop a flexible attitude and a sense of
humor, and always bring backup material.
Ready? Now break a leg!
About the Author
June Campbell
How to Write Business Plans, Business Proposals, JV Contracts, More!
No-cost ebook "Beginners Guide to Ecommerce".
Business Writing by Nightcats Multimedia Productions