Discover "No Results, No Pay" Radio Advertising And
Generate New WebSite Traffic.
Charles Kangethe (c) Copyright 2004
Here's a simple way to use "No Results, No Pay" radio
advertising and build traffic for your website.
Step #1 - Understanding "PI" - Per Inquiry Advertising.
Radio has a unique advertising format known as "PI" or per
inquiry advertising.
"PI's" main benefit is that your commercial is aired and
you ONLY PAY for inquiries phoned into the station from
listeners !
Inquiries are in the form of callers asking for more
The radio station counts each caller, and re-directs
them to your web site address.
Step #2 - How To Start a "PI" Campaign.
Find a good directory of all commercial radio stations
where you intend to advertise.
Some sample Internet resources : - UK - USA - International
Other online resources can be found by searching for
keywords like "Radio Directories."
Alternatively, visit your library and in the references
section ask for the Yearbook of Independent Local Radio
Note details such as :
Ad manager's names,
Telephone numbers,
e-mail addresses
Programming and schedules
Listener profiles :
Step #3 - Decide on Strategy and "Wanted Response."
Before you contact the radio stations, be clear on strategy,
goals and have your draft commercials in outline.
Are you advertising a product offer at your website ?
Specify product details fully to avoid paying for
"tyre kicker" inquiries.
Is your "Wanted Response" to build an opt-in list ?
Decide how you will entice visitors to your web site.
Will you offer FREEBIES, or a competition of some sort ?
Are you advertising for market research purposes ?
Tell listeners how and why they should participate.
Decide how much you are prepared to pay per inquiry.
Step #4 - Use Your Strategy To Build A "PI" Proposal
Two aims in this step :
Make it as easy as possible for the station to schedule
your commercial.
Negotiate the lowest Per Inquiry cost during the best
advertising time slots.
Keep in mind :
Listener profiles you want to reach.
Times you want your advert to go on air.
Which commercial will best deliver your "Wanted Response".
Write to the ad manager by e-mail or normal mail. In your
letter :
Introduce yourself.
Inform them this is a "PI" Per Inquiry advertising
Inform them you of what you are trying to achieve, refer
to your strategy.
Detail your product or service prices and how much you
are considering paying for each inquiry.
If your "Wanted Response" is not selling a product, you
must pay for inquiries out of your "own pocket". Negotiate
a keen cost per inquiry !!
Explain how you will handle all the administration
For instance writing the commercial Outline, handling
product fulfilment, dealing with refunds and product
support questions.
Depending on your negotiation skills and size of Radio
station you might be able to work a deal where you only
pay for Converted Inquiries.
This is practically FREE advertising, because you only
pay for referrals once a sale is made !
Step #5 - How To Deal With Radio Ad Managers
If you do not hear back within a few days, call the station.
Commercial radio is a busy environment. Be prepared to
explain yourself and answer questions quickly and clearly.
Radio ad managers are always looking for advertisers. That
is their job and advertising fees are the lifeblood of
Commercial Radio.
However, "PI" is not the only money earner for stations,
so be prepared for a polite but cool reception.
If this happens, pick another station and start the process
The rewards of a successful "PI" campaign will pay back your
effort many times over.
Step #6 - The Commercial Ad
Write your commercial's outline to maximise your
"Wanted Response."
Write the outlines for at least two 30 second, and two 60
second commercials.
Writing commercials for broadcasting is very different to
writing ad copy for printed media. However, stations
will help you by taking your outlines and turning them into
finished commercials for a fee.
Alternatively, if your copy writing is good and you have
time to tweak it for broadcasting, then do it yourself.
Listen to the station's ads, jingles, and catch phrases
and pre-record your own following a similar model. Ask
objective people to listen to your ad and give you
critical feedback.
When recording for radio you may or may not want to use
your own voice. Radio stations have "Voices" to record your
commercial for a fee before it goes on air.
They also have royalty free music to include with your ad.
Make your commercials memorable, with clear contact
information for listeners to follow up on.
When such ads go on air during relevant programming, you can
generate considerable traffic.
In closing, "just do it" and learn more than I can show you
in a brief article.
Radio is often overlooked by online advertisers, but it can
bring good results depending on your "Wanted Response" and
at a surprisingly low cost.
Ad Managers are tasked with maximising revenue for the
broadcaster. They are flexible and as long as you
demonstrate a financial benefit to the station, they will
listen to your "PI" proposal actively.
This is good news for you because for minimal outlay and
sometimes for free you can drive quality traffic to your
site, product and services.
"PI" is the lowest cost form of broadcast advertising. Make
this a new part of your overall advertising strategy.
Charles Kangethe of is a leading
new wave Netpreneur and a published author from England. The
"Simply Easier" brand name is your guarantee of high value,
quality Marketing Products, Services and Resources.
About the Author
Charles Kangethe of is a leading
new wave Netpreneur and a published author from England. The
"Simply Easier" brand name is your guarantee of high value,
quality Marketing Products, Services and Resources.