Imagine waking up in the middle of the night. The most brilliant marketing idea for your business pops in your head. You write down every little detail. You put it into action. You're more successful then ever - with very little effort.
That scenario can be standard practice. No more lucky guesses. No more racking your brains. No more losing sleep. By tapping into the Reservoir of Prosperity, you can create fantastic marketing solutions, carve out your own niche and do it effortlessly.
The Reservoir of Prosperity is available to everyone. In fact, you tap into it every night while asleep. It's the twilight realm where you access your higher self. Where you dream, mentally travel, relive memories and create solutions. By adding a few simple steps to your nightly routine, you could direct your thoughts and receive astounding marketing solutions.
Here's how... 1). Keep a notebook and pen on your nightstand, 2). Just before sleeping, write down all the benefits of what you sell, 3). Write down the following, "I request incredible marketing strategies tailored just for me. To better serve my current and potential customers. To reach markets and perceptions I haven't discovered." and 4). Take a few deep breaths. Clear your mind. Go to sleep.
During your sleep, your mind will analyze your writings and find a specific solution just for you. It will consider the benefits of your product or service, your request, your strengths and your unique "spin" that only you can offer your customers.
The Reservoir of Prosperity will return great marketing strategies almost like magic. When the idea pops in your head, write down everything - no matter how crazy it may be. Then put it into action without skipping a step or questioning the idea. Remember, some of the wildest ideas are the most successful. Your new marketing method may come to you in a dream, day dream or just while driving. You never know. But be always be prepared with pen and paper. If you seek a more in-depth explanation, download Dream Solutions
Copyright 2003 Dave Czach.
About the Author
Experience unique methods to expand your business and your mind at Dave Czach has 15 years experience in business and marketing plus he is a part-time experiential mindbody and spiritual growth researcher since 1993.