Do You Find Promoting Your Website Difficult?

Do You Find Promoting Your Website Difficult?

 by: Ryan Blake

Here are my two favourite methods that get me maximum results.

Creating Viral Advertising Campaigns.

This is probably the best form of advertising available and all it entails is that You create or use an E-book and give it away for free. Now you must be asking how you would go about it for it doesn’t seem that easy, well actually it’s pretty simple. All you need to do is find a successful E-Zine, which subscribers actually pay for; relating to the product you are promoting then create an Article or Advertise the benefits of your Product inside, due to the fact that the customers actually paid for that E-zine makes them twice as receptive and you’ll get a much greater response. Once you’ve posted the Advert you simply send the prospects to your website where you give them a free HELPFULL E-book full of links to your website in exchange for them signing up to your FREE Newsletter via your AutoResponder. Now once you’ve got them onto your list you can simply keep them coming back over and over again and selling to them in the future and making your money back for the Advert many times over. Now this method will bring you Serious traffic in two ways. Firstly all you do is allow them the rights to give your E-book away for free and distribute it however they please whereby they can post it on there website, give it to their list, bundle it with a deal they could be planning… the possibilities are endless, whereby bringing you mountains of traffic. The second way is to build a highly responsive list which, if treated with the utmost respect will increase your conversion rate on a sale to about 30% to 40% as time goes by. Getting it right with Google Google is a tough nut to crack if you don’t know exactly how to go about it and you will spend way too much time trying to make a success unless you know what makes it tick.

You won’t get any real traffic unless you are in the top 20 for your specific keyword, for no-one really looks past the first few hits. CONTENT… This is one of the most important keys to getting a good rank in google and you get that by having fresh and relevant content on you website. The key to a successful online business is being able to supply a vast amount of relevant, useful content for free to their customers and making sure you have content which no-one else has, whereby making YOU stand out from the rest. But the key here is to make sure you target the traffic by only using specific Keywords which relate to your products and making sure that the traffic you generate is targeted to your specific market, no use wasting time getting people to your site that aren’t willing buy your products.

Well I hope that you gained some valuable tips from this Article and while you’re here I would like to tell you about a wonderful place I discovered where you can learn all you could ever want about Affiliate marketing and so make a success of your future campaigns. Here’s a link to join there mailing list and receive cutting edge, up to date tips on how to make every campaign a success.

Best of luck with the future.

Regards Ryan Blake.