Double or triple your business sales
by making little changes to your advertisement!
By far the biggest reason most advertisements (especially Email advertisement & advertisement through web) don’t sell as much as they could is due to a single problem. The words on these ads don’t do their job.
You only get a few seconds (especially on the web) to grab a reader’s attention. If the wording on your advertisement is falling down on the job, no one will be interested in its further details and result will be NO SALES.
I normally see ads that have too little information to attract a reader. Or the ad has too much information, so much that a reader leaves it.
Your ad needs to IMMEDIATELY catch a reader’s attention. Here is how to do it:
Distill what you have to offer down to your most popular and powerful product or service. Don’t throw a whole selection of products or services in a single ad. Just give them one offer at a time.
Figure out the one most powerful advantage your product or service gives customers. Think about what kinds of readers are most likely to buy. Once you have these two things in mind, you’re ready to change your ad so it grabs readers and makes them buy.
Start your ad with a headline in big type. Begin your sentence with an action word. If your headline attracts a reader, he/she will read your whole message. For example, look at the title of this article “Double or Triple your Sales by making these changes to your advertisement “. It involved you to read the whole article. Didn’t it?
People only buy when they feel you can solve a problem that is causing them pain. People want to save time, save money, and much more.
Don’t follow your headline with a diatribe on how good your product is. Instead, talk about the thing readers care about most. Make your copy describe a problem the read has. Tell how the problem affects the reader’s life. Show the reader how the problem will get worse, much worse, over time if it is not fixed now.
Present your product or services as the solution to the customer’s problem. Describe its most important features, and then connect them with the benefits they will bring.
Most of your customers don’t automatically understand how your product’s great features can help them. You have to describe the benefits. It helps to give real life example of how the feature helps people.
If your product has more than three features, list them in bulleted form. Bullets help readers digest a batch of related points.
Add several excited testimonials from satisfied customers. Have the customer talk about how he/she got the results you promised n your benefits section. If your product is new, have several people try it, then ask them for their comments Most people are delighted to help, specially if they know you will be publishing their opinions.
Tell them HOW TO BUY. This is the one thing so many ads miss. Highlight HOW TO BUY details. Make it easy for them to buy. Easy ordering should including information on how customers can contact you. Include your email address (which you check often), you phone number or mobile number, and your physical location. Also include your guarantee if you have one. Let customers know how long it will take for you to deliver the product or service. And be sure to tell them how much extra shipping and handling will cost. Stating these things right up front helps customers make a decision to buy, NOW.
Yours sincerely,
S. Najam Aziz Ahmed
Chief Executive
ECom Worldwide
About the Author
Mr Najam Aziz is a 5-year experienced Internet Marketing professional. If you need any suggestion regarding your business promotion (espacially online) or if you want to see your web site listed at first page in all major search engines, then send an email to or visit or