Dump The Banner Ads For A Legit Work At Home Opportunity

While most put all their time and work into traffic building techniques for a legit work at home opportunity most do not place attention on conversion rates. Traffic building and increasing conversion rates have a synergistic relationship that actually multiplies results and does not just add to them. By working to increase traffic along with conversions a web site business can grow much quicker and the results can be amazing.

The one way absolutely to destroy conversion rates it by being lazy with banner ads. Many webmasters will work very hard to get traffic into their pages and provide some content on the page hoping that the visitors will click on the blinking banner at the top of the page and make purchases. Banner ads have the worst conversion rates and most look away from them meaning that the main revenue stream for the pages of the site never gets clicked on or are avoided by visitors. Banner ads have a conversion rate of under 0.5% no matter how great they seem or where they are placed.

So how do webmaster running a legit work at home opportunity gets 5% conversion rates or higher? One thing they do not do is use banner ads, sure banner ads are so easy to use and most affiliate programs have them for a webmaster to just cut and paste a code onto their page, but they do not provide results so why even use them.

A main reason that visitors hate banner ads is because they are a forceful attempted pitch which actually makes them defensive right away, the last thing a business wants for their visitor. Think of banner ads as that annoying used car sales person who just keeps trying to use tricks to make you purchase a car. They put you into a defensive mood that makes you actually not want to purchase. You feel they are not providing information and are not being informed about the decision. A web site works the same way, if visitors do not feel they are being informed but rather forced into a purchase decision, they become defensive and actually resist the purchase. One can quickly see why banner ads have such low conversion rates.

Any business webmaster needs to take away the defensive mind set of a visitor and put them into an open want-to-purchase mind frame. This increases conversion rates on existing traffic, which does wonders for a business. If a web site page can make visitors feel informed they are much more willing to buy than if they feel pitched two or forced with lazy sales techniques.

For a quick look into the effects increased conversion rates can have on a legit work at home opportunity thinks about this, a 1% conversion rate on 100 visitors is one sale whiles a 5% conversion rate is five sales per every hundred visitors. Now if two web sites are each getting 1000 visitors on the same percentages one is getting ten sales while the other is getting fifty. Now think about if the other site's conversion rates drop to 0.5% while the other jumps to a 7% conversion rate whiles increasing their visitors to 2000. One should be able to see the math and how increasing traffic with conversion rates multiplies the income for the site.

So if banner ads are horrible and not worth using what is the better way to make sales from web pages with higher conversion rates? Compare the use of banners to say a more informative method such as well written informative articles on a certain topic. Say that one site has a paragraph pitching how to increase conversion rates and how much money they are making with a product with a banner at the top of the page as the means to make revenue from the product. The other site has 600 word articles on how they have increased their conversion rates using the product. They talk about how they use it, why it works, compare it to other related products and tell the visitors what they like better about it then other products. The article goes into depth about the product, and the visitors become informed. They also trust the site because of the great article and clearly see the author know what they are talking about. The author makes a recommendation in the text to click and look at the product using a few sentences to make the visitor really want to purchase it. Now, which page do you think would get better conversion rates for a legit work at home opportunity? It is best to spend the extra time and work at a little harder to deliver great informative pages to your visitors and work on making recommendations for products within the content, using a few sentences really to warm them up and make them want to buy, remembering not to use any cheesy sales pitch or put them into a defensive mood.