ersonal Profile Of The Week Yanik Silver

Yanik Silver is a well-known entrepreneur in the online marketing industry. He is the founder and CEO of Maverick1000, a group for high-level entrepreneurs, and also runs several other successful online businesses such as Internet Lifestyle System, Maverick Business Adventures, and Evolved Enterprise.

Silver was born on November 11, 1973, in Moscow, Russia, during the height of the Cold War. His parents were Soviet Jews who immigrated to the United States when he was just two years old. They settled in Potomac, Maryland, where his father worked as a construction worker and his mother as a comptroller.

Growing up, Silver was a curious child with an entrepreneurial spirit. He began exploring various business ventures at a young age, from buying and selling baseball cards to setting up a mini candy store in his school locker. He also had a passion for computers and taught himself programming.

After high school, Silver attended the University of Maryland, where he studied marketing and e-commerce. He quickly realized that traditional marketing methods were becoming outdated with the rise of the internet. This led him to pursue a career in online marketing, which was still in its infancy at the time.

In 2000, Silver started his first online business, Instant Sales Letters, which provided customizable sales letter templates. The idea was a hit, and Silver quickly gained a following in the online marketing community. He went on to launch other successful businesses, including,, and Million Dollar Emails.

In addition to running his businesses, Silver is a renowned speaker and author. He has written several books, including Maverick Startup, Instant Information Products, and Internet Marketing Secrets. He also hosts the Underground Online Seminar, an annual event that attracts top entrepreneurs and marketers from around the world.

One of Silver's most significant achievements is the founding of Maverick1000 in 2008. The group is made up of successful entrepreneurs who are committed to making a positive impact on the world. Members have access to exclusive networking events, mastermind sessions, and business coaching.

Silver is also a big believer in giving back to the community. He is actively involved in several charitable organizations, including World Teacher Aid, a non-profit that builds schools in Kenya. He has also created the Maverick Impact program, which offers mentorship and funding to social entrepreneurs.

Despite his success, Silver remains humble and grounded. He credits his success to his passion for helping others and his willingness to take risks. He also values his family and spends as much time as possible with his wife and two children.

In his spare time, Silver enjoys playing guitar and practicing martial arts. He also loves to travel and has visited over 50 countries around the world.

Silver's success story serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere. He started with little more than an idea and a passion for helping others and has built a multi-million dollar enterprise. He emphasizes the power of taking risks and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals.

Silver's dedication to making a positive impact on the world through his businesses and charitable endeavors is what sets him apart from other entrepreneurs. He is more than just a successful businessman; he is a trailblazer and a role model for future generations.

In conclusion, Yanik Silver is an icon in the online marketing industry. His success story is an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere. He has built a multi-million dollar enterprise, developed several successful businesses, written books, and mentored thousands of people. He has also shown his dedication to making a positive impact on the world through his charitable endeavors, which makes him stand out from other entrepreneurs. Yanik Silver is an astute businessman, Maverick, and a philanthropist who continues to inspire people of all backgrounds to pursue their dreams and make a meaningful impact on the world.