You’re business is surviving the current economic challenges and you've realized a profit. Now you want to invest your new found profits in new marketing ventures to get to the next level. Two words...BE CAREFUL! Be very careful!
Many so-called next level marketing programs and strategies merely expose the user to new dangers that can reduce the life expectancy of their business.
Email Marketing
Sending email is a sure way to attract target potential clients but unwanted e-mail is the perfect way to shut down your business overnight literally.
You can lose your affiliate partnerships, ISP or website host in a matter of hours with just one complaint. From the above you can see that marketing is not as easy as it sounds.
Many companies posing as marketing experts promising to submit your text ads to thousands of message boards, search engines and directories are only spammers posing as promotions experts.
Remember that short cuts don't cut it online. So proceed with caution. Read the rules and regulations when posting advertisements. Abide by them and your business will last longer online. In addition, take the four simple steps we outline below and enter the world of marketing using the front door.
Find A Reputable Promotions Agency
1. Find yourself a trusted online marketing agency. The best are long time businesses that have been promoting businesses online since the internet was born. Consider buying banner ad space and targeted e-mail from what are called list servers. These are lists of people who join online interest groups who don't mind receiving occasional ads on subjects that interest them. A reputable company has a good screening and sifting mechanism in place to keep your e-mail lists fresh and virtually free from Spam complaints.
Use The Power Of The Press
2. Never underestimate the power of a press release. Press releases announce the presence of new businesses or a new business venture while promoting your site all at the same time.
Keep Them Coming Back For More
3. Once you get folks to visit your site half the job is done. Remember, the most successful businesses are those with repeat sales from customers who come back again and again. So once they arrive the aim is to keep them coming. The tried and true way to keep your visitors coming back is by offering membership to your newsletter. A good example of how to acquire newletter membership is at Your newsletter will allow you to continue to advertise to your client. Here is a crucial point to gaining your clients' interest and loyalty. Avoid sending out the same ads daily as this is a big turn-off. Make your newsletter newsworthy. Offer information crucial to your members success.
Send out a weekly newsletter with practical information that will be informative and useful. Don't send the same advertisements week after week. Change your ads frequently. You could alert them to any new content such as sales, special offers or free services. Add reader interaction into your newsletter. Encourage your readers to write back on issues in which you all share common interest. Have contests or give members some notoriety for adding to the content in some way.
Win Their loyalty
4. When members start to make your newsletter their own you have a loyal repeat customer who will stay with you for a very long time. Yes it's a little work but building up a loyal client base of repeat customers makes it all well worth it. Happy and safe marketing!
About the Author
Mark Askew is founder of the Mortgage Loan Search Network at A daily financial resource and commentary journal.