Finding "Riches in Niches" by Streamlining Your Web Content

Finding "Riches in Niches" by Streamlining Your Web Content

 by: Jennifer Ryan

When marketing online it’s crucial to remember the old business adage, “There are riches in niches.” Niche marketing is the process of filling a small, distinguishable segment of the marketplace in a way competitors are not. Your business must have an edge—online and off. An effective web site should state it’s purpose immediately. Here’s why:

  1. Web Usability, Your web visitors are zooming by at the same rate as drivers viewing a billboard at 70 mph. This is no Sunday stroll. Your visitors want facts, not whimsy. They want to know if they’ve found what they’re looking for. Give them what they want and tell them what your company is all aboutquickly.

  2. Search Engine Optimization. Your web site will not show up in search results unless your it has the words people use for searching. People look online specifically for what they want. Get into their heads. What keywords and phrases do people type in the search boxes when looking for businesses like yours? Use those words in your web content.

  3. It’s Good Business. Every day breeds its own crop of great online business ideas, but that doesn’t mean we have to do them all. Trying to do too much could keep you from capitalizing on the economies of scale a focused business enjoys. Plus, a narrower focus helps keep your sanity.

Developing your web site should be an exercise in niche marketing. Every page should be specific, addressing one thing (if possible). Too many doodads vying for attention confuses visitors and waters-down the impact of your message. One idea communicated clearly and with personality will cause people to respond and register, download, call or buy. Best wishes finding the riches in your own niches.