Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing

Article Title: Why There a Financial Strain on You and how you can fix it!
Article Author: Eric Spillman
Article Copyright: 2004

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Why There a Financial Strain on You and how you can fix it!
Copyright © 2004, Eric Spillman

Why There a Financial Strain on You and how you can fix it!
Topics in May 15th 2004 Release.

1.) Reasons Why there may be a Financial Strain on you.

2.) What does having a Financial strain means to you.

3.) A extremly powerful way you can overcome your

Financial Burdon.

In todays edition of Hi-Tech-Savings, I am going to
talk to you about why the average person is so strained for
finances, what that means to you, why it is so important to not
be in such a position, and how you can overcome your barriers with
your current financial Position.

Take a deep breath, relax, and come into my world of wealth, with
a way to make you money and nothing but blue skys and dreams.

Reasons Why There May Be a Financial Strain

I would like to pause for just a moment, just to recap on what
we talked about last issue.

Credit cards, gas cards, house payments, doctor bills...The list
goes on and on. Just think how much money we go through over time
and how much money the average person owes. Kinda puts someone in
the mind frame of, "How can I win instead of losing". Folks, its
not over till you give up on yourself. If your still struggling
to make ends meet, then you still have hope for survival yet.

Does this seem familiar to you? It should, because most everyone
you know has probabally either been in this position or will be
sometime in their natural life. Who knows, mabey your in the same
position right now. I don't know if you are or not, but mabey some
of what I can say to you, will help you survive in this world that
somehow seems to revolve around money.

It isn't really funny, but there was a picture I seen in a magazine
last week. It was a cartoon picture of the Capital Building in
Washington DC turned Upside down. Getting poured in the bottom of
the building was millions of dollars, and coming out the top of the
building was 1 single dollar. I took a few minutes and looked at
picture and realized what it was telling me. Once the government
gets done taking out their money, and politicians get their pay and
the list goes on, the average citizen sees very little of this money.
Sad to say, but there are people out here in our very own country, who
need the help.

Getting back to what I was saying about Financial Strain. The average
household in the United States brings home around $25,000 annually.
I don't know about you folks, but in my eyes that isn't right. We
spend 40 years of our God given lives working, to bring home a measly
check that can barely buy our toilet paper. In comparison to our
Credit Cards Insurance, doctor bills, food, gas, and other bills, what
does that leave in your pockets? Not much is the answer!

A small list of reasons that could cause Financial Strain:
1.) Child Care
2.) Unexpected Vehicle Problems
3.) Overdue Bills
4.) Children In College
5.) Job Security

What does having a Financial strain means to you

What would happen to you right now if you lost your job and everything
was riding on that job. If you would come home that day jobless, would
you been in a real world of hurt. Could you quit your job anytime you
wanted to and feel that you would be able to survive the rest of your
life without having that job? I would say no, because that is why we
have a JOB right? Wrong! We have that job because we want to feel
like we are making a difference. Don't get me wrong, the job helps
with the money, which is why we are there ultimately, but what if you
was able to make more money, doing less, and in the comfort of your own

Hey....More and more people are starting to work from home everyday
now, because they are there to help the kids, and be their own boss.
You wouldn't fire yourself right? Exactly! There is a serious amount
of job security when you are working for yourself and that is the very
reason why people do it. When you have children in college, have
overdue bills that you need to get payed, and then on top of that your
car breaks down, you are probabally going to have a nervous breakdown.
Seems to be vicious circle don't it? Did you know that approximately
50% of marrages end because of problems with finances?

What is the #1 thing people want more of? What is the one thing that
makes the world go around? What is the last thing we need to lose? and
finally, what is the #1 thing that most people won't work for? You
guessed it!! The answer is MONEY!!!

A extremly powerful way you can overcome your

Financial Burdon.

Your asking yourself right now, "Well what can I do about my
problem?". First off, lets not think about your financial strain
as a problem, because problems have no solution. Issues are
a better way to think about it, because issues can always be
resolved. This issue is all about getting yourself in the right
frame of mind to resolve the issue at hand.

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About the Author

Eric Spillman has an intense background in the Marine Corps, currently has a degree in Management Information Systems, and Currently is an Independant Representative with a Company called Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing. The purpose of this company is to help people save money on their bills, and give those wanting a break in life their opportunity to succeed with the help of his expertise. Join the adventure now before its too late