Get Your Visitors To Push The Snowball

Do you want to know the secret of getting thousands of visitors
to your web site?

Think about it for a minute.

If you could get thousands of people to your web site, you could
sell more of your products or services. You would be making
more money from your affiliate programs. You would be capturing
more email addresses to add to your email newsletter list.
Bottom line, more profits.

So you want to know the secret? Are you ready? Getting

Tell the whole world about your web site! Knock on doors, call
everyone in your city, get some radio time, purchase newspaper
ads, buy some commercials on TV (preferably during the Super
Bowl) and you will be all set! Easy eh? Yeah right...

Let's face it. You will not be able to reach thousands of
people on your own. Your budget is small and most importantly,
your time is limited?

So how are you going to bring thousands of visitors to your web
site? You're not. Your visitors will.

Confused? Don't be. All the big name marketers are using this
method so why aren't you? It is easy to turn your visitors into
promoters for your site by giving them the right tools.

Here are a few examples:

Referral Scripts - By installing a referral form on every page
of your web site, you will be encouraging your visitors to refer
your site to their friends. You can get a free referral script
from any web site that provides free CGI's. If one person
refers your site to two people and they in each refer your site
to another two people each, a viral effect will be created.

Postcards - By offering free postcards for your visitors, they
will be sending out postcards to their friends and relatives
that have a link back to YOUR site. People retrieving their
postcards will also want to send out postcards from your site.
If every person sends out two postcards, another viral effect
will be created that will drive traffic to your web site.

Word of mouth is the oldest and most proven marketing method
that will make or break your business. The success of the movie
"Blair Witch Project" was because of the positive feedback
people were saying about the movie. There are plenty of movies
that also bomb because people quickly hear negative feedback
through word of mouth.

You need to create this effect for your web site. Word of mouth
will cause a snowball effect that can literally bring you
thousands of visitors to your web site.

A prime example is the site Today it received
close to 5,000 unique visitors. Approximately 1,000 of those
visitors were from referrals and greeting cards. Also a portion
of the remaining 4,000 unique visitors were from people who had
bookmarked the site in the past after visiting it from a
referral or greeting card.

This can be a very powerful marketing technique. The best part
about this marketing technique is that once you get these
scripts installed, you do not have to do anymore work. Just sit
back and watch the traffic roll in.

Here are a couple of sites were you can grab free viral scripts
for your web site:

CGI City

The CGI Resource Index

Make sure you follow the instructions very carefully as it will
help you have the scripts running up in minutes. Most
importantly, make sure you provide valuable content on your
site so that people will feel like referring your site to their
friends and associates.

You don't have to do all the marketing for your web site.
If you create something of value, your visitors will do the
marketing for you.

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About the Author

Gauher Chaudhry is editor of Cool Cash Ezine. You can subscribe
by sending an email to with "sub-art"
in the subject. Join Gauher's two-tier affiliate program by
promoting his latest book "EZ Money With Ezines." Gauher
teaches individuals how to make thousands of dollars in
the ezine publishing business!