Goldmine of Wealth with 8 Internet Secrets

Goldmine of Wealth with 8 Internet Secrets

 by: Dr. Jamie Fettig

Eight ideas that will change your life and a unique business idea you may never have thought of before:

1. The most important skill in Internet marketing is knowing how to find 'hot' markets - 'research.'

2. Research is like detective work. You look for evidence, follow the clues and draw conclusions.

3. As an Internet marketer, your first job is to find a 'hot' online market to sell to. Product selection and advertising come later.

4. A 'hot' online market is a market that is already actively buying products in a particular category.

For example:

  • Health 'nuts' actively buy vitamins.

  • Martial arts fanatics actively buy training videos.

  • Fishermen actively buy fishing gear and lures.

  • Golfers actively buy new equipment and instructional courses.

  • Brides-to-be actively buy all kinds of supplies and services for weddings.

There are literally hundreds of 'hot' markets online.

The trick to success is to pick the market that you're naturally excited about serving.

5. If you're not able to define a market and describe exactly how you will deliver your sales message to the people in it, then it's not a market.

6. The best places to find 'hot' markets are in the obvious places.

Do you want to sell downloadable eBooks?

Then the ClickBank catalog is the best research tool for you.

Do you want to sell 'real stuff?'

Then visit Yahoo Stores and see what product categories are producing the most action.

Another good market research technique is to think of some search terms you might use if you were looking for a particular product on your favorite search engine. Then see what comes up.

If you see a lot of action in a marketplace that's a good indication that demand is high.

If demand is high, then there is probably room for your business, especially if you offer something 'new.'

7. Once you've selected the market you want to sell to, now is the time to figure out what to sell.

Notice that this is the method every experienced Internet marketing pro I know uses to start new Internet-based businesses.

Market research first, then products.

Beginners often get hung up on the details of their product idea.

8. The most successful products are products of quality that bring something new to an existing marketplace.

"New" can mean many different things:

Sometimes "new" means a new product that no one has ever seen before.

"New" can also mean an improvement of an already well-known product.

"New" might even be an old product advertised in a new and imaginative way.

What this means is that you may not need to invent or create your own product in order to succeed on the Internet.

You can just as easily find an existing product, improve the way it's advertised and make your fortune that way.

The method no one talks about.

What would you say if I told you that not only do you not need to create your own product to succeed on the Internet, but that you could also succeed without any of the normal hassles of running a business.

I'm talking about having all the advantages of having a 'real' business - a customer list, a full blown product line, and all the employees you need - without any of the hassles or risks.

Instead of starting your own online business to sell information or physical products, you can choose to partner with existing real world businesses and help them with their Internet marketing in exchange for a piece of the online action.

Sounds incredible, doesn't it?

And it's completely real.