Would you switch drinking coffee if it was a brand with only 8 mgs of caffeine per cup? What if this coffee was NOT DECAFFEINATED? Would you miss those chemicals in decaf? Are you drinking regular store bought coffee with 100 to 150 mgs of caffeine per cup? If so, this has given your body an acid balance which then brings on health challenges. One cup of coffee jacks up your highs and soon bounces you back down and you will reach for another cup to jack you right back up with a high until the highs and the crashes wreck your system. With only Gano Excel coffee in your body,you will now have an alkaline system and smooth sailing. Listen to this 24/7 message at
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About the Author

In network marketing since l982, Sunnie Ford's located a proven ten year old firm with over 1 million customers in 22 countries,launching officially in USA and Canada on December 7, 2004. World's 2nd largest commodity after oilCOFFEE!
More than 50% of Americans drink 2 to 5 cups of coffee/day-about 127,000,000 people.
Visualize yourself introducing this delicious coffee.
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