If you are involved in an mlm or affiliate program, there are some important strategies you should be employing to achieve the best results.
First, you need to create your own website about the opportunity you are promoting as you are limited in what you can do with the website given you by most programs.
Second, Get your own dot-com! It will give you credibility and show that you are serious about your business. You can get one for under $10 these days.
Now, the most important part of your website should be the sales copy!
You can use the A.I.D.A. or M.A.G.I.C. formula as a guide to creating sales copy for your website.
A- Attention - Get the prospects attention.
I - Interest - Build interest. Inform the reader.
D - Desire -Stress the benefits.
A - Action - Close the sale.
M - Magnetize your headline.
A - Attack the inner most desires of your reader.
G - Generate credibility (ex. testimonials, why they should buy from you and not competitor)
I - Interest your potential customer ( How they will benefit from purchasing your product)
C - Closure ( Give them call to action) Tell them what to do. Tell them to order your product. Give solid guarantee.
Third, you need to Capture Email Addresses!
Put a form on your website to have prospects join your mail list. Try placing it close to the top of the page as through my own experimenting I find it brings better results.
Many times prospects will visit your site and not buy or do what you want them to do.They may be short on time, or be pre-occupied at the time etc. Just don't let them leave your site without at least trying to get their email address!
By having a "Join Our Mail List" form on your site, you can at least try to capture their email address and follow up with them.
Once a prospect joins your mail list you can then use what's called an Autoresponder which will have pre-set messages that you already created sent to them automatically.
Use at minimum 7 to 10 messages in your autoresponder to follow up with your prospects.
Another simple technique that I use that builds my mail list is to offer something for free in exchange for their name and email address.
It is a great technique for building your mail list in a hurry! It could be anything for free from an ebook, a "how to" course etc.
The point is to build your mail list. Then earn trust and gain credibility from the prospects on your list by letting your personality show through and by offering good information. In turn your prospects will be more receptive to buying or doing whatever it is you are offering.
These are some simple strategies you could be employing with any program that you are associated with.
And over time, you will notice your program working for you, instead of you working for your program!
About the Author
Al Martinovic is the owner of I Need Smokes.com which markets membership into the OTDirect Buyers Club so smokers can save/make money.