How Great Copywriting Sizzles For The Sale

Great copywriting really ticks me off. No, I mean it. In fact I
think I already wrote an article about it. It was called "Why I
Hate Compelling Ad Copy" if I remember right.

What makes me mad about great copywriting is simple. It
leads me. It brings out my impulses and guides me to where the
writer wishes to take me.

In fiction, that's a wonderful thing. It makes the story more
enjoyable. However, when copywriters do it, the conclusion of
the work inevitably involves me spending my money and I hate
that! Either that or, if I refuse to spend my money, I never get to
read the conclusion.

In other words, great copywriting can make me feel out of
control. I'm educated in the art enough to see what they are
doing, yet the masters can still guide me where they will and I
hate it!

Now, having said that, what is it about great copywriting that
draws us in? Yes, I'm done whining and can get to the point

I've narrowed the power of great copywriting down to two


The desire to know is a powerful force. It's led to the word
'secrets' being WAY over used, but that is why it is used.

People want to know. If you've got something, and you know
how to taunt with it, you can make the sale.

That may be a somewhat crude way of looking at it, but it's the
truth. Great copywriting is more or less taunting. However, and
this is important, it's taunting that offers a solution.

It's offering the solution, a way to fulfill that driving need to
know, that urges people to buy. The solution can only be
accessed, however, when the reader takes action. The action is
either a purchase, a click to another web site, filling in a form, or
whatever the copywriter is looking for.

When writing, it's important to first define the action you want
people to take at the conclusion of your words. Defining the
action you want them to take guides you in your writing.

When using curiosity as a motivator, hint at the information your
solution will provide the reader once they take the action you
desire. Give bits of information that will allow them to begin to
see what you are driving at, but save the majority of information,
or what will tie all your bits of info together, for after you get the
reader to take action.

Tell them what they will know after they access your solution
and create enough desire to know that they themselves will
overcome any objections they may have.


Expressing the benefits the reader gets with your solution is
another method leading people to action. Not only can you
create curiosity, but you can show how your solution will benefit

Specific benefits are better than generalities as well. The better
you explain what it is your reader will know, have, or be able to
do after they take the action required to get your solution, the
more likely they are to take that action.

Obviously, I've been repeating the words 'action' and 'solution' a
lot until you're probably sick of reading them, but...

That's where the focus of your copywriting needs to be.

The solution is what people want and the action is what you

Copywriting is all about you giving your readers enough reason,
using curiosity and benefits, to seek the solution you offer even
though they have to take your action first.

Just like me, people ARE resistant to taking action. No one
wants to be led into doing something, especially where giving up
money is involved.

People don't want to do what you want them to do. They'll only
act if they believe they are getting the better part of the deal.

The sizzle that makes the sale happens when your words put
others in control of doing what you want them to do.

That may seem like a bit of a twisted statement, but think about
it. Build enough curiosity, offer enough benefits, and it then
becomes the buyer's idea to get what they want NOT your
idea to sell it to them.

That's how great copywriting works and how sales happen. The
buyer becomes willing to take your action so they can get their

So then here are the steps you take when copywriting.

1. Define the action you want your readers to take.
2. List the benefits what you are offering will give to them.
3. Determine what people who do not have what you are
offering may be curious about in regards to it.
4. Create your headline or title from the most compelling benefit
or point of curiosity you have listed.
5. Create a desire to know based on the points of curiosity you
listed and show the benefits people will receive upon taking the
action you defined.
6. Call for them to take that action.

That's the basics behind great copywriting. It's all about having
your direction and ideas ready before you start. It's about being
specific, too. Generalizations are often referred to as 'hype'.
Get specific, so people know where you're headed and they'll
be more likely to follow.

Remember, the sizzle isn't in the seller's mind at the time of
purchase, it belongs to the buyer. Otherwise, they don't buy.
Your job when copywriting is to put it there.

written by Joe Bingham of
I've literally driven 1000s upon 1000s of people to my web at
no cost by simply promoting articles like the one you see here to
other ezines. Now I'm making MY articles available for YOUR
use. I write them. You use them for YOUR promotion. See
how at:

About the Author
