How Much Advertising Can a Buck Buy

You know those annoying commercials for dial around long distance services?
A dollar? What can you do for a dollar? Well, I've decided they aren't quite
as dumb as the characters portrayed in said commercials.

A dollar could be one of the most viral marketing tools in your marketing
arsenal. Not free advertising, but reasonably priced indeed.

Thanks to a new website, you can place your URL
upon every dollar bill that passes through your wallet or pocketbook and
then track where it goes.

First of all, it is the only advertising money you will ever get to spend
twice. Spend it once when you advertise upon George's face and then spend
the dollar again to put your advertising message into circulation. To really
get double the banf for your buck you could write your URL on the bills and
then spend them on additional advertising.

Secondly, imagine your excitement when you receive an order form Des Moines,
Iowa and then check and see that one of your 100
penny advertising investments is currently floating around Des Moines as
well. Talk about a better bang for your buck. Just think, if your Des
Moines, Iowa order nets you ten measley dollars that is a 1000% return on
your investment.

And don't forget, you already got to spend George just to set the marketing
workhorse into motion. Not a bad investment indeed.

Can you throw all your other marketing efforts out the window? Of course
not, but the next time you see those silly dial around commercials, you can
smile and know that you can get a lot more out of a buck than a little
twenty minute phone call.

About the Author

Shannan Hearne-Fortner is the President and Wizard of
Marketing Your e-Business Better through creative marketing and knowledge.
Guerrilla Marketing. One-to-One Marketing. Relationship Marketing. Your