How To Brand Your Business In 30 Seconds Or Less With Little Or No Money!

Have you ever tried to solve a problem and the first
thing that pops in your head is to buy a specific
product to solve it? Yes, we all have.

Well, that's because that product name was branded
in your brain. It was stored in your mind and the
memory of the product was triggered by the problem
you were having.

How did you remember it? You likely saw it in an
advertisement many times over and over. The
business (advertiser) links their product as a solution
to that specific problem.

Some businesses spend thousands, if not millions to
brand their products. They use repetition by
purchasing ads that you see on tv, hear on the radio,
see on the internet, etc.

Luckily, you don't have to. There is a simple, but
powerful solution by spending little or no money.

You simply link a trigger to your product that's
already branded in your prospects everyday life.
Like eating, falling asleep, awakening in the morning,
watching tv, etc.

For example, say in your ad:

Every morning you will feel compelled to turn on the
computer or order (name of your product).

Whenever you are eating, you'll picture how much
better your life could be by investing in (name of
your product).

In conclusion, you linked your product to an action
that has already been branded in their life for years.
The action they are taking has been repeated many
times throughout their life.

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