How To Properly Use Ezine Advertising - Conclusion

Up until this point, we discussed the two methods of using ezine
advertising, playing the numbers, and targeting. Then, we focused on
targeting by discussing how to select ezines based on content and
audience, and how to analyze those selected for the best advertising

Now, finally, we come down to the actual cost of purchased
advertising. How much is affordable and what is too much?

As I said in part three of this series, it just depends. I don't mean to
give a misleading answer with that statement, nor do I mean to skirt
around the subject. It's just that price is a subjective item that
revolves around the product or opportunity you are promoting and the
ezine you are promoting in.

So, while I cannot give you a simple rule to follow, I can give you a
way to analyze the cost. However, there are still a BUNCH of other
factors that I'll bring up afterward.

First, let's use the term 'ad hits' to describe the number of people that
view your ad in an ezine and then answer it by either going to the site
you want them to or emailing to you or your auto responder.

Now, look at the following formula:

(# subscribers) x (% response) Expected Ad Hits


1000 subscribers x 3% 30

>From there, naturally, it depends on how many sales you get from the
ad hits you receive and how much money you make per sale. Getting
1 sale out of 30 hits is a 3.33% sales ratio.

Now, if you can do at least that, consider how much you make per
sale as opposed to how much the ad cost you. If you make $10 per
sale and the ad to 1000 subscribers only cost you $5, then there's
your profit of $5.

So essentially the equation you need to use is this one:

Income for the ad

(# subs) x (% response from ezine) x (sales % from site) x ($ made per

If that number is of greater value than the cost of the ad, then it's
good. Of course, all of this is assuming you have an ad tracking
system in place so you can see the results of your advertising in
different ezines. If you don't, then either you advertise in only one
ezine at a time so you can track your results, or you make groups
based on ezines that are similar and you track your results as you go
through different groups. This may be done by counting hits at your
site, or merely by seeing what results in sales.

Obviously, ad tracking can give you more data to work with as far as
seeing which ezines are getting you results. However, that can be
another expense you must figure into the cost of your advertising.

So, that's it as far as figuring out whether or not advertising is worth
the cost a particular ezine is asking, right?

Not hardly. Here's the deal.

In all my reading, I've seen most writers say you can expect.5% to
3% response from an ezine, and occasionally get up to 5% or higher
even depending on certain factors. I have no problem with those

What we have talked about before now becomes vitally important. If
you've done your job right and selected the best ezines based on
appropriate content and audience, and analyzed them to determine the
best ones to advertise in, then you should have no problem getting the
3% response rate. Plus, repeat advertising in the same ezine can get
you a higher overall response rate as the ad keeps drawing hits from
different people each time it's seen. Naturally, then, you have to
compare the cost of the repeated ad to the number of additional hits it
creates. However, often ezines have package deals that reduce the
cost per issue if you buy an ad for multiple issues.

>From here, you also have other questions to answer.

Is targeting ezines worth my time or should I just play the numbers
and buy bulk ads?

Is my ad going to be effective and pull the responses I am seeking?

Is my sales site going to get the sales I expect after I get visitors there?

Does what I make from sales over the cost of my ads also cover the
other expenses of my business so that I make a profit overall?

This series focused solely on how to use ezine advertising. However,
as you can see there are other factors to be considered. My goal with
this series was not to provide you with all the answers on how to do
everything. I can't do that anyway. I do hope, however, that I've
enlightened you to the choices you do have and started you to thinking
about what is going to work best for you.

It's not always simple, but there are things you can do to improve you
chances at success. I hope you've learned some of those things with
these articles.

About the Author

Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters
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