How to Quickly Build a Mailing List

Publishing an E-zine is a lot of work and time consuming.
This is how you can build a valuable list, without having to
publish an E-zine on a regular basis.

Pay close attention, this is working great for me.

The first thing you need to do is go to and sign up for a free auto
responder account. It only takes a few minutes to get signed
up. All you have to do is pick an E-mail address for your account.
Something like

Then when somebody sends a blank E-mail to that address they
will automatically be put into your auto responder series. The
system will also automatically create the code you need to put a
sign up form on your web site if you'd like that feature.

But it gets even easier than that.

At the end of this article I am introducing a brand new list
building tool that I helped a friend test during it's start up phase,
and I'll tell you what, I fell in love with this thing! It is working great
for me, as well as couple of other people that I asked to try it.

This list building tool is FREE, so you're not risking much.

All you have to do is spend about 2 minutes to sign up for a FREE
account and add a couple lines of code to your web site.

Then the free offer that you are promoting will show up on other
peoples web sites all over the place. You select the category that
you want to be in, so this really is targeted.

Let me ask you this?

How much would you have to pay, to promote your offer in a pop
up window on somebody else's home page?

Money can't even buy that kind of exposure!

Yet, you can get it free using this list building tool.

But the heavy hitters gladly put this pop up on their home page
because it makes them money by bringing in fresh new subscribers
on a steady basis.

Don't like pop up windows?

Don't make that judgment until you read my free report "People Love
Pop Up Windows!" It's available here:

When people check the box to get your free report or whatever you
offer, they are automatically added to your auto responder series.
Then you have up to ten opportunities to contact them with your
messages, and it's all done automatically. You don't lift a finger!

If you upgrade to a paid account you can mail to this list any time
you like, but you can really accomplish a lot with a free account.

But if you do upgrade, you then get up to 52 messages that go out
automatically. Powerful, powerful technique.

This is how I am using this concept on my gardening site, and it
works incredibly well.

People see the pop up window on somebody else's web site, decide
that they want what I am offering, and type in their name and E-mail
address. Immediately, they are sent via E-mail, the first message in
my auto responder series.

I welcome them to my list, then I give them a link to a page on web
site where they get all the free information I promised them,
in detail, with photos and all.

Then over the next six months or so, the auto responder automatically
sends them articles that are of interest to them, and casually invites
them back to my web site, over and over.

This alone is really powerful, but do you see the main advantage
of this list building tool?

I actually capture the person's E-mail address before they even see my
web site. They don't even know who I am, but they hand over their
E-mail address because they want the free offer I make them.

The auto responder approach has been working fantastic for me for
well over a year. Then just a few days ago I agreed to test this list
building tool. It was created by a friend of mine, and he asked if I
would help him test it before he rolled it out.

All I can say is Wow!

The combination of what has been working well for me, along with this
new tool, is going to jump my business to the next level, or two.
I know that already.

Take a look at the list building tool. It has some really powerful features,
that maximize the "multiplication effect".

People who know me, know that I barely find time to get to my favorite
message boards, so for me to put this kind of time into promoting a
gadget like this, it must really work.

This list building tool has brought me about 115 subscribers in less than
a week, and I haven't even started to promote it. One of those
subscribers spent $127.00 on his first visit to my site!

With this list building tool you earn credits, and for each credit your
ad appears one time for each credit. I just checked my stats and
in two days my credits jumped from 3,000 to over 12,000. Why?

You'll understand why after you visit this page on my website
and request the free report I'm offering.

I will show you how to totally exploit a traffic building tool like
this. I don't mean that you have to do anything unethical. I'm
just going to show you how to really make this thing crank up your
subscribers. There's an approach that most people are totally

Trust me, this report will reveal a very powerful way to really put this
list building tool to work for you.

Good luck in all your ventures,

About the Author

Michael J. McGroarty