Article May Be Freely Reproduced In Your Online Newsletter Or Website.
Include All Links And Resource Box.
Write A Better Newsletter
by BB Lee (C)2004
email questions
(518 Words)
You've decided to write your very own Newsletter
to promote your business, communicate with
your customers, or just for FUN.
You've read hundreds of newsletters.
You've also noticed many of these newsletters
lack original material.
They are identical in format and/or article content!
Don't Fall Into That Easy Trap!
The following tips will help the new newsletter
writer/ publisher create a better newsletter.
Know Who You Are Writing For.
This sounds simple enough, you must know your
readers. What are their demographics. Are they
male, female, young, old, middle income, high
income, getting by, just starting out, looking
for business opportunities, looking for work
at home jobs, stay at home moms, business women
or men. Learn to select the articles that reflect your
readers interest.
Establish A Publishing Schedule.
Professionals publish on a regular basis.
Make that your goal!
A regular publishing schedule will also assist you
when you accept articles from writers. The contributors
will have an idea when to submit articles.
And this will also assist in scheduling your
ads. You will know how to schedule ads, knowing what
issue they will appear in, according to your publishing
Stick To Your Plan Like Glue.
If you plan your issues the 1'st of every month stick
to it. Don't publish erratically. You will lose readers
or they may forget they subscribed to your newsletter
because of your irregular publishing schedule.
Proofreading is very critical to the publishing process.
Every publisher must proofread the newsletter before it is
sent out. Take the time to correct any spelling or grammar
errors. This will improve the quality of your publication.
Run your spell check program and then go over the text
with your own eyes looking for common errors the program may
have ignored like substituting two for too, or their for they're.
Experiment With Style.
Change your format. Add different types of articles. Ask readers
to send in their questions or opinions. Have surveys. Trivia
bits, breaking news, quotes, even your favorite jokes. The
change in format will keep readers interested while improving
your writing skills in various formats.
Research your articles online. Add interesting links to more
relevant information. Links to another free resource,
software, interesting downloads, are always welcomed.
Invite New Writers
Writing a newsletter is overwhelming to most new publishers.
Seek help from writers online. Ask your readers
or writers to contribute to the newsletter. Offer
a resource box in your newsletter to all contributors
as compensation.
This will prompt queries from many writers.
And of course you can easily download articles from many
article directories online.
Here are a few popular article directories:
Follow the tips in this article to make your newsletter
stand out above all the rest!.
Visit SmallBizBits for your free newsletter template!
BB Lee is the editor and the publisher of SmallBizBits
Visit online for unique home based business ideas.
About the Author
BB Lee is editor and the publisher of SmallBizBits online home based business newsletter and a freelance writer for several years. BB has written several ebooks on starting and managing a home based business. They can be downloaded for free at the SmallBizBits website.