I Learned A Valuable Internet Marketing Lesson

How many times have you groaned when you heard you need to publish
articles in order to sell products on the Internet?

Do you really believe that writing articles will produce results?

Over two ago, after I published my fourth Rocketedition (now Gemstar)
e-book, I was scratching my head thinking how am I going to market
this these e-books? Nobody I know owns a dedicated e-book-reading
device. (I still don't know anyone who does.)

I found a website called the Rocket-Library where I could post sample
chapters, articles or complete e-books, offering the information for
free. (Note: it is now defunct)

Since the only way the information could be read was on a Rocketbook
e-Book reader, I felt this marketing strategy would present sales.

3 months after posting a total of 4 articles: 2 for "A Cheap and Easy
Guide to Self-publishing E-books" and 2 for "How to Hypnotize People
and Other Living Things, " I started getting incredible results.

"A Cheap and Easy Guide to Self-publishing E-books" became the number
one best-selling non-fiction e-book on Barnes & Noble.com

It was competing against non-fiction eBooks written by major authors
from major publishing houses.

"How to Hypnotize People and Other Living Things" stayed up in the
top 5 hypnotism book rankings on Barnes & Noble.com, competing
against print for almost two years.

Barnes & Noble.com finally dropped the Gemstar eBook a few months ago.

The only marketing I ever employed for these two titles was spending
a total of 4 hours at a keyboard hammering out 4 articles.

The main reason I brought this up is, I was competing in a very
sterile environment.

There was no TV, Radio, or print ads to dilute the results. There
were no special features in e-zines or on house list ads by the
Rocketbook people. There was no attempt by Barnes & Noble to "promote
an unknown author"
There were no booksignings, trade shows or seminars.

By writing articles and targeting an Internet Library that required
people to own a dedicated eBook reading device, I found that indeed
publishing articles were the most valuable marketing strategies that
authors can use.

Over the last year I have been side tracked but in the last month I
have submitted over 100 articles, (2 articles X 50 e-zines). I have
had amazing results.

I have sold other e-books and sold reprint-resale rights to my e-
books, booked speaking engagements, and sold my telephone consulting

In addition I have had around 100 articles actually published in
other's e-zines and newsletters which may present business
opportunities for another 2 years for my Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF
formatted E-books.

It seems everyone is interested in a "cheaper and easier" way of
getting Internet sales results.

Writing articles for other people's e-zines and newsletter is the way
to do it.

When you write for your own e-zine, you are a promoter.

When you write for somebody else's e-zine you are an expert!

Action Plan:

Here is an e-zine action plan guaranteed to offer you any of the
following results:

1. The plan will make you popular.

2. The plan will make you money.

3. The plan will make you popular and make you money.

Do the Daily Dozen

Goal: Your goal is to total 12 article submissions per day, every
day. If you miss a day catch up on the weekend.

Where do I find all of these e-zines and newsletters I can submit my

Here is my cheap and easy guide to submitting e-zine articles.

Step 1

Go to the search engine Google.com at:

Step 2. Think big, very, very big. Since you are not "paying" for
advertising, you can forget about all of the target marketing you
learned in the non-internet world.

For example, if you write e-books or sell products related
to "weight," instead of using "weight" as a keyword to search, pick a
word like "health."

Let the most popular websites on the Internet do the target marketing
for you.

In the empty search box on Google.com, type in the word.... Health.

Step 3: Click on "search" and around 68 million pages will be found
by Google.com

Step 4. Here is your million-dollar tip. After you have received the
result page, scroll down to the bottom and click on the link next to
the empty search box that reads, "search within results".

Click on the link and a new search page will open. In the search text
box enter "submit article" and then click on the search button.

Step 5. You will get a new search result netting over 795,000 pages
that are displaying where to submit articles in the "health" category.

Of course after you are finished submitting to over 795,000 websites
and e-zines you may want to search on "weight" and complete the same


Publish your articles in other's e-zines and newsletters. Maybe you
too will be able to publish two best sellers for two years with only
4 articles.

I wish you success.

"My mission in life is to help you achieve your mission in life."
Wayne Perkins

About the Author

Wayne Perkins is the best-selling author of "A Cheap and Easy Guide
to Self-publishing E-books." Wayne presents consulting by phone for
Internet marketers, speakers and authors.