Increase Your Sales And Profits With A Powerful Offer

Did you ever buy something you didn't really want because
the bonus you received was worth the price you paid? I did
it this week.

Several days ago I received an offer in the mail from a
leading business magazine. Only one paragraph in the two
page letter mentioned the benefits I'd gain by reading the
magazine. Instead, it promoted the "perfect book for
entrepreneurs" I'd get free by subscribing.

The letter even enhanced the offer by guaranteeing a full
refund of the entire subscription fee if at anytime during
the coming year I didn't like the magazine. The free book
alone was worth the subscription fee. It was an offer I
couldn't refuse. I subscribed.


An irresistible offer is the number one reason why people
buy something. Anytime you want to dramatically increase the
response to your advertising, dramatically improve your

Many small businesses don't always include an offer in their
advertising. This is a costly mistake because it doesn't
provide a reason for prospective customers to respond. The
best way to get a response to your advertising is to make an
offer your prospects can't refuse.

Your initial offer doesn't have to generate sales. It can
generate leads or traffic to your business or website. An
offer to generate leads or traffic requires you to develop
another offer to convert those leads into customers.
Developing two different offers is more work but it usually
produces the maximum number of sales at the lowest cost per


I've used the following 4 step procedure many times to
create powerful offers. It's simple and easy to follow. Even
someone without special talent, skill or previous experience
can use it to create a powerful offer.

STEP #1: Select one product or service to promote in your
offer. If you sell a variety of products or services select
only one to feature in your offer.

STEP #2: Decide what specific action you want from prospects
or customers who receive your offer. For example, do you
want them to call or write to you for more information? Do
you want them to visit your website? Do you want them to
come into your store? Do you want them to call for an

STEP #3: Make your best offer. Make it as attractive as you
can afford. A discount plus a free bonus will generate more
responses than a discount alone. A discount plus a free
bonus and a money back guarantee will generate an even
greater number of responses.

STEP #4: Calculate the profitability of your offer. Don't
forget to include the cost of advertising. A thin profit
from your initial offer may be acceptable if you know it
will generate repeat business. Otherwise, revise your offer.

SUGGESTION: Sometimes you can increase your profit and the
benefit to your customer at the same time. Simply add a low-
cost bonus item with high perceived value and increase the
price to the level required to produce the profit you need.

Always include an offer in your advertising. It's the
primary reason why people buy something. Use this simple 4
step procedure to develop your offer and watch how fast your
sales and profits increase.

About the Author

Bob Leduc is a Sales Consultant with 30 years experience in
generating low-cost leads. He recently wrote a manual for
small business owners, "How to Build Your Small Business
Fast With Simple Postcards", and several other publications
to help small businesses grow and prosper. For more info:
Email: Subject: "Postcards"
Phone: 702-658-1707 After 10 AM Pacific Time/Las Vegas, NV