Increase your website traffic add a weblog!

Increase your website traffic - add a weblog!

Using technology to gain and sustain an advantage to your business is crucial in today's highly competitive environment. The Internet is creating a powerful marketing medium, virtually leveling the advertising playing field for any business wishing to get acquainted with its potential. Understanding the power of the web and the tools available that cost-effectively leverage the basics tenants of advertising frequency and reach is important to the growth of your business. And should be an active part of any savvy marketing plan.

Creating a strong e-presence will expand your business, enhance your customer service level and beat out your sleepy, non Internet-savvy competitors. Having an effective website begins the process, but Internet related tools emerge daily. Exposing these tools that give competitive options to the vigilant business owner and senior executive is part of Global Marketing's mission.

One such emerging e-tool is called the weblog or more commonly a "blog".

In a moment I'll explain the marketing advantage and advertising power of the ;blog', but first let me explain what it is A blog is basically a "what's new page" or journal that is available on your website. Think of it as a place on your website for the real-time exchange of ideas or information for customers, and prospects. The activity of updating a blog is "blogging" and someone who keeps a blog is a "blogger." Blogs are typically updated daily using software, which allows people with little or no technical background to update and maintain the blog. Postings on a blog are almost always arranged in chronological order with the most recent additions featured most prominently

Getting a blog up and running is a simple process. Should you wish to try one out to become more aquatinted with the process go to Blogger owned by Google and in short order you will clearly understand the mechanics and ease-of-use. Global Marketing suggests that you create your own blog as an integral part of your e-presence prominently displayed on your web site. Creating a blog particular to your business is easily accomplished through readily available software such as MovableType or Greymatter. Most of the blogging software firms offer free blog templates, which can then be customized and designed to your specific business needs.

So why is a weblog important to your e-marketing activities, and how will it help expand business?

Search Engines love Blogs
Driving traffic to your web site is key in creating sales opportunity and making your e-presence more than just a marketing expense. Attracting new traffic and motivating previous visitors to return is an on-going and sometimes daunting process. A weblog provides stimulus to drive traffic to your site, if done right.

Let me explain.

Currently, blogs tend to get great rankings in search engines. Why? Content and linking - key search engine criteria in crawling the vast Internet for requested information. The more links your web site has and the more frequently your content is updated causes the search engine to capture your site, and normally at a higher ranking.

The power of your ;blog' is based on updated information, making them extremely rich in content. An active weblog may be updated several times a day with new articles, thoughts and information. After months or even weeks of inception, a blog can be seen as a wealth of topical knowledge driving people to return again, and again.

Let's say you supply a product or service to a specific market. Your might create a number of weblogs segmented by interest. For example, if your business provides products touting a certain technology such as wireless, you may have a weblog geared to inform and exchange knowledge about wireless technology - obviously slanted with your product or service in mind. Or if you were a business that has multiple uses of your products you may want an ;applications' weblog. Whether it's technology or technique, millions of times a day, people search the web for new, fresh information on various subject matter. Blogs help them find their way to your website.

A well-run weblog also contains a wealth of links. Encouraging your blogging activity to post links instead of long statements (no need to recreate information when they can point to a link on another web site). Density of linking leads to high search engine rankings.

After you create your blog, your e-marketing activity to ;reach' targeted customers is enhanced by submitting your blog to traditional search engines such as Google or AltaVista. These are free submittals. However, there are a number of search engines dedicated and focused on blogs Global Marketing suggests starting here: BlogSearchEngine. Numerous others emerge weekly. Find as many as possible that appear to connect with your targeted customers. And sign on there too.

Blogs benefit your media efforts
Blogs bring a new dimension to your media relations should you choose to use it. News and industry-specific blogs have become the current forum to exchange ideas for the online community thirsty for timely knowledge. Bloggers and blog readers are now seen as opinion leaders and early adopters. The blog is an indispensable component of today's online public relations campaign. Make sure you get aboard.

If you are not utilizing the power of the web as an integral part of your marketing program and business strategy, you are simply asleep! And your competition loves you for it.

In today's Internet-loving environment, you and your business should clearly understand the huge benefits of an effectively designed and properly utilized e-presence. Using the Internet is virtually free, and provides a worldwide customer reach for your message and product. Imagination is the only limitation. Blogs will enhance your marketing efforts. Blogs quickly and easily offer current information to your target market in a non-intrusive and timely manner while driving more traffic to your site.

Challenge your marketing group to invent other ways to utilize this emerging web-marketing advantage.

Global Marketing Inc., is a leading business, marketing and sales consulting firm located in San Diego, CA. With more than 25 years of experience we have the programs, ideas and assistance to help move your company to its next level of performance.

Take action and call today for additional information on these ideas or other ways in which Global Marketing can help enhance your Sales and Marketing efforts.

About the Author

Williams is an electronic engineer by education, augmented with many post graduate courses in management, leadership, marketing and technology. Williams is widely respected in the instrumentation business. He has given many speeches, written numerous articles and introduced new technology. He has significant knowledge in marketing strategies and sales development programs and is the founder and CEO of Global Marketing, Inc. - a leader in business, marketing and sales consulting