Is Running A Membership Site Right for You

© 2004, John Calder

Surf any of the marketing forums, and you're almost certain to see posts about membership sites. Marketers are asking if their idea is a good one, how to control access, how to integrate billing, and so on. Why all the marketer interest in membership sites, as opposed to say affiliate product sales or releasing their own products?

The main reason is probably also the main benefit of running a membership site - and that is an ongoing monthly income from subscription payments. If a marketer builds membership levels, monthly income will also increase, thus increasing the financial reward for little increased effort. With a good membership site, the owner can maintain a steady, fairly predictable income regardless of other projects.

But can anyone successfully offer a membership site? The truth is, probably not. Whatever the topic of a membership site, the owner must have some degree of credibility and respect in that area. That's certainly true within the Internet marketing arena, but elsewhere as well. Not only should the owner have the knowledge, background, and sometimes contacts within their industry, but they also have to be able to sell the benefits of their status to prospective members. Said more directly, if you want to start a membership about dog shows for example, you need to be "somebody" within that market for the greatest chance of success. You may be able to get by otherwise, but would you want to compete against someone who did have such credentials?

And don't forget, a membership site is an ongoing commitment from you to your members, in return for their monthly membership dues to you. You will need to regularly post new material, interact by email and forum with your members, deal with customer service and membership issues, and stay on the leading edge of your field month after month. Make sure you enjoy the field and the interaction enough to make that kind of commitment before you jump in.

About the Author

John Calder is the owner/editor of The Ezine Dot Net. Subscribe Today and get real information YOU can use to help build your online business today! http://www.TheEzine.Net

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