Is Today the Day

As America today has taken the steps needed to protect our
freedom and what we believe in, are you ready to take the steps
needed to build a productive and successful business?

The outcome of our business is up to us. If something wasn't
working last week, why would it this week? Make a change,
a small one or a major one, it doesn't matter just make
can make the difference.

We often hear about ads that don't work, but the change of only
one word can completely change the response you get. Ads are
an example.

As leaders we often hear that things just aren't working. The
first question we need to find out is what people are doing, then
from there we can help them "tweek" their efforts to best suit

I want to address what I find to be true in a lot of cases. When
people start out with a business, they want to try EVERYTHING.
There is such a thing as spreading your efforts to thin.

In Network Marketing the key is to reach people fast. This takes
one on one conversation, getting people to come to you for
information, and bringing people into your business. This is done
by sharing the information.

In the beginning, as hard as it is, people need to stick to those
basics. As your business grows then it is great to add a few
different "cool" things. However, until your business is growing,
the "cool" things are not going to be productive for you.

It is very easy to get carried away and have 15 different things
your working on. If you never complete one of those though, you
have not accomplished anything, therefore success is not

Success in network marketing is all about people, people, people.
Find those that are like you OR better!! Watch your organization
grow, start making a great income, then take your business and
have some creative fun with it.

About the Author

Chris Bradford and Brande McCree are the publishers of MLM
Success Today, a weekly newsletter offering original articles
written by its publishers for both the experienced and the
beginner network marketer.