Lead Generation: 4 Basic Steps To Automate Your System
Before you invest time and money into generating leads you must have an automated system in place to deal with them. This will streamline the process and set you up for a profitable ongoing relationship with your prospective clients. Otherwise many a contact will slip by without making a real connection with you and you will have lost that opportunity, maybe forever.
Then you can focus your efforts, both on-line and off-line and simply invite your potential clients to take the first step of getting to know you.
That first step will be to respond to your invitation and your primary goal is to obtain their contact details.
So no matter where you "meet" a potential client you will have one simple process to invite them into. A process that is not only automated but strategically designed to deliver warm leads into your marketing funnel.
Here are the 4 basic steps to follow to automate your lead generation system.
1. Create a free tantalizing offer
Giving your prospective client a free taste or sample of your expertise is the quickest way to capture quality leads that you can later turn into sales. This is the start of your relationship not a catch and kill exercise.
The idea is to provide good quality content that will have them wanting more